Wassap AFN, good morning on this beautiful Sunday. Update and a little bit of advise if anyone willing to help me out?!
I'm not feeding any of my girls biobizz grow anymore, there all getting roughly 1ml blook per litre. They all get a full 2lt of tap water thats been left out 24hr.
The advise is regarding the nute burn. I'm keeping an eye on new growth which seems to be ok. It's just the old leaves that worry me. I want to avoid a flush out, that's just a shit load of water to go through. I've gone a couple of bad close ups so hopefully you'll tell. I just dont know whether to cut them out for a bit or water/feed/water/feed? I dont wanna fuck these gals up.
I'm not even gunna start feeding my northern lights until pistils show, then she's just getting bloom. No grow. All these burnt tips seemed to appear after a small dose of top max. Fuck that shit.... any feedback welcome. PLEASE!
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Hi @Reptiliansorcerer, they’re looking good to me, I have two Samsquanch running and found out they are exceptionally thirsty and needy for nutes, so I wouldn’t worry about overdoing them, + OG’s tend to be vulnerable to calmag defs so I would keep feeding them at a normal to high dose. I use only teas so can’t help with commercial stuff ‘n’ brands.
Tip burn is minimal in your pics, with no clawing, so maybe it’s just the light, you have enough ventilation? Maybe pulling the lights up a little bit...but honestly, I always have that tip bleaching and don’t worry too much if the air is flowing.
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