Summer growtrain update
AK Day 151/day 51 of flower :smoking:


Cheeze Day 146/day 51 of flower :smoking:


Mimosa EVO Day 146/day 51 of flower :nonono:


group pic...(sorry for the blur)

welp, we should be entering the final dayz now....and that'z a good thing for pooooor mimosa, lol :face: that girl has been thru literal hell the past week :doh: first, it was me lozin me balance & accidently breakin off one of her spirez...then, day before yesterday, one o' the guyz that'z workin on the building was takin out me a/c unit & lost his balance, sending him and the a/c right into mimosa:yoinks: she didn't get knocked over, but did get a good half dozen more branchez snapped off, ahh! :wall: good thing she'z as close to finish as she is, lol :doh: and if that weren't enuff, i also had to chop the top 10" of the smaller cheeze photo, due to advancing br :wall: (see thumbnail picz below) all in all, it'z been a helluva week....and it ain't over yet, lol :nono: but, it is what it is & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp



AK Day 151/day 51 of flower :smoking:

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Cheeze Day 146/day 51 of flower :smoking:

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Mimosa EVO Day 146/day 51 of flower :nonono:

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group pic...
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welp, we should be entering the final dayz now....and that'z a good thing for pooooor mimosa, lol :face: that girl has been thru literal hell the past week :doh: first, it was me lozin me balance & accidently breakin off one of her spirez...then, day before yesterday, one o' the guyz that'z workin on the building was takin out me a/c unit & lost his balance, sending him and the a/c right into mimosa:yoinks: she didn't get knocked over, but did get a good half dozen more branchez snapped off, ahh! :wall: good thing she'z as close to finish as she is, lol :doh: and if that weren't enuff, i also had to chop the top 10" of the smaller cheeze photo, due to advancing br :wall: (see thumbnail picz below) all in all, it'z been a helluva week....and it ain't over yet, lol :nono: but, it is what it is & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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:yeahthat: Woot woot :smoking:
Summer growtrain harvest catchup - indoor autoz
ok kidz, i've fallen super-behind becuz of all the work they're still doin on me building :wall: plz bear with, as it'll take a few diff random postz posted here & there whenever i can get the chance, but i'll eventually catch everything up on the summer growtrain, rest assured ;)

and to start, we have the two unjournaled indoor autoz for the summer...even tho i didn't journal em on here, they were nevertheless still part of me summer growtrain, and thus, their final weightz will count in the final tally....jus sayin ;) anyhoo, first up....

RIP Linda Seedz auto Gelato #33, harv date 09/24, Day 102 :bow:


this plant was a fuckin trip! :yoinks: :rofl: as with all me od autoz this year, she started out a stunter...but then, literally right from the soil, she grew into what u see...7" tall, 7.5" wide, and fucking t h i c k! :yoinks: unfortunately, i still don't have a full dry weight for her yet, becuz among all the other zillion thingz goin on atm, we've been havin 1000% fuckin humidity levelz the past couple weekz & i've got multiple hangerz full of bud that are takin foreverrrrrr to fucking dry, ahh! :wall: i was actually able to get her two side armz dried & jarred about a week ago & they weighed in at 10.5gr, but the ginormous main cola is still dryin, so final weight is still on hold, sorry :doh:

soooo, moving right along...

RIP Linda Seedz auto Gorilla Glue #4, harv date 10/06, Day 111 :bow:


this plant was also a pure fuckin trip to watch, lol :doh: jus 16" tall & nice, fat lil nugz all over, but her trich coverage was the best word i can come up with...a first for me & really weird :shrug: i did snip a tester bud mebbe 10d or so before chop & it def did the job, so....:rolleyes2: :smoking: at any rate, she'z still dryin, but i figger i should get a zip ez :joy: the growtrain harvest rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Summer growtrain harvest catchup - outdoor
ok, remember when i said i had to chop the top 10" of the smaller cheeze photo becuz of advancing br-? well, i chopped the rest of her on the 9th...and for the same damn reazon :nono: first, the picz before i discovered the br....

RIP small Linda Seedz photo Cheeze, harv date 10/09, Day 101/day 58 of flower :bow:


after a first light trim...

then came the rot...all the budz u see were a total writeoff...:wall:

what i ended up with...:face:

hangin to dry after bud wash...:soak:

sooooo....:nono: i figger i lost a good 1/2 oz to br...and yes, all the rest is all still dryin, so final weightz will have to....wait :doh: (see what me did there-? :biggrin: ) the growtrain harvest rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Summer growtrain harvest catchup - outdoor
RIP Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO, harv date 10/10, Day 154/day 59 of flower :bow:


theze picz taken before a full, in-depth examination & subsequent discovery of, u guessed, serious br :nono: the top 2/3 of the big, pretty main cola ended up a writeoff, argh! :wall::wall:

what i ended up with...:face:

i figger i lost about an ounce to br & will end up with mebbe 2 oz :shrug: and that pretty much bringz thingz up to date :whew: i plan on choppin the big ak tomorrow, which will def be an all day job, so once again, jus plz bear with me, cuz i got a shit-ton o' crap goin on atm besidez the harvest, ahh!
the growtrain harvest rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Looking good!! I’ve danced with br a ton, I know the feeling. Looks like you got some good bud regardless!
I’ve found some strains to be almost impervious to br, you’ll find some that work for you area

heya dude, alwayz good to see u stop in :d5: ya, it'll def take a bit o' trial & errorot (see what me did there-? :biggrin: ) however, i haven't updated it yet, but i chopped the big ak yesterday at day 61 of flower & no br to be seen, woot! :woohoo1: i'll be bringin down the big cheeze tomorrow & from what i've seen, she'll be escaping it as well, so...:thumbsup: the mimosa'z budz were jus so damn fat & dense, it was all but inevitable i guess :shrug: ppp
heya dude, alwayz good to see u stop in :d5: ya, it'll def take a bit o' trial & errorot (see what me did there-? :biggrin: ) however, i haven't updated it yet, but i chopped the big ak yesterday at day 61 of flower & no br to be seen, woot! :woohoo1: i'll be bringin down the big cheeze tomorrow & from what i've seen, she'll be escaping it as well, so...:thumbsup: the mimosa'z budz were jus so damn fat & dense, it was all but inevitable i guess :shrug: ppp
Bit sad about the rot, but OTOH, you have two that seem to have escaped and at least a bit of bud off the infected ones. I have yet to have that, until I tried Phyter/Rotblock that is. You might want to give it a try. :pighug:

I wish I could finish photos outside where I live, but it ain't gonna hoppen, Rotblock or no. Even autos are a challenge. Not a lot of useful summer left here by the time a photo switches to flower mode. More likely to be snowed on than actually finish. :biggrin:

Good luck with the rest of the harvest mate, all considered, you have managed to get a nice selection of bud. :goodluck:
Gelato33 & GG4 final weightz
ok kidz, i got a damn slew of updatez to do, so jus hold on to ur britchez whilst i attempt to do so, lol :smoking: they're still workin on me building & i haven't had a spare minute to sit the fuck down & think straight, ahh! :doh: nevertheless, the 2021 growtrain harvest has been comin in amongst all the madness & prospective numberz for the grand total yield are lookin good :cooldance: the tally so far is 93gr, so let'z build on that a bit, eh-? :biggrin:

Linda Seedz auto Gelato #33 final dry weight 15.4gr (93 + 15.4 = 108.4gr total tally thus far)


the big fat main cola took forever to dry & initially weighed in at 14gr...however, upon breakin it open to jar it up, i discovered it riddled with dead remnantz of br & i only ended up with 4.9gr of it (top right pic above) ah well, next up, we have...

Linda Seedz auto Gorilla Glue #4 final dry weight 84.4gr :yoinks: (108.4 + 84.4 = 192.8gr total tally thus far)



this one surprized the fuck out of me, lol :yoinks: here i was the whole time thinkin, "oh, she should give an ounce, mebbe a lil more" :doh: next up will be a couple photo dry weightz, so hang tuff as the 2021 growtrain harvest rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


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