she'z --> PINK!! :-0
Pinky Day 96 (y-day) :kiss:


oh boy, me mystery photo has turned out to be -> P I N K!! :jump: :dancer: izn't that jus the prettiest thing-? :biggrin: and u'll pardon me excitedness about it, as i'd never even seen a picture of pink weed before, let alone have one growin in me own damn yard, lol :yoinks: :yay: i noticed the first hintz of pink 4 or 5 dayz ago, but jus thought, "meh, jus some weird fluke or sumthin :shrug: ", not knowin at the time that there'z actually a literal batallion of pink strainz out there...who knew-? lol :doh: now, of course, i still have no idea which of thoze strainz she actually is, but -> who fuckin carez, she'z P I N K! :yay: man, one thing'z fer sur now, i doubledamn sure wish the peep that gave her to me had not topped her at the 4th, lol :doh: i also wish i'd tried harder to keep a clone or two...but, ah well, it is what it is... ;) a total one-off, but what a one-off! :cooldance: randomness rulez the universe & the pinktrain rollz on, choochoo! :headbang: ppp
Pinky Day 96 (y-day) :kiss:

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oh boy, me mystery photo has turned out to be -> P I N K!! :jump: :dancer: izn't that jus the prettiest thing-? :biggrin: and u'll pardon me excitedness about it, as i'd never even seen a picture of pink weed before, let alone have one growin in me own damn yard, lol :yoinks: :yay: i noticed the first hintz of pink 4 or 5 dayz ago, but jus thought, "meh, jus some weird fluke or sumthin :shrug: ", not knowin at the time that there'z actually a literal batallion of pink strainz out there...who knew-? lol :doh: now, of course, i still have no idea which of thoze strainz she actually is, but -> who fuckin carez, she'z P I N K! :yay: man, one thing'z fer sur now, i doubledamn sure wish the peep that gave her to me had not topped her at the 4th, lol :doh: i also wish i'd tried harder to keep a clone or two...but, ah well, it is what it is... ;) a total one-off, but what a one-off! :cooldance: randomness rulez the universe & the pinktrain rollz on, choochoo! :headbang: ppp
That’s sweet! What a cool surprise
Growtrain update
group pic o' the day... :joy:


front row: the cheeze twinz, day 80 (00 seedz cheeze auto & cheeze berry auto)

back row: Jasmine, day 65 (female seedz ww x bb auto), Ruby, day 69 (fastbudz rhino ryder), Bubbles, day 75 (00 seedz bubble gum auto)

sorry for slackin on jus getz so damn...buzy...sumtimez, lol :doh: in any event, not much to report really, with all goin more or less according to plan, lol :redface: ...except for the lack of full sun the last three dayz, grrr :nono: the sunlight u see in the pic was only there for a minute, then went back behind the filtered, hazy cloud cover we've been havin here in the heartland...i think some o' the smoke from out west has mingled in the cloudz a bit, idk :shrug: anyhoo, the next 30d or so should be a buzy harvest time fer sur :smoking:...the cheeze twinz should be the next to fall, but neither are showin any amber yet...actually, all five of em, even Jasmine, are showin predominate cloudiness, so...the race is on! :yay: it'z still been a water only grow, but Bubbles & Ruby may get a bit of 3-5-6 fert topdressing tonite ;)

and yes, u don't see Haley & Sara in the box, cuz both the poor lil dearz have got fungus gnatz bad, argh :nono: they were planted in me newest batch of soil & mebbe i didn't add enuff perlite, cauzin it to retain wetness, idk :shrug: anyway, here they are & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Haley & Sara, day 27 (00 seedz blueberry auto & chocolate skunk auto)

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^ that's a beautiful enclosure you have made there 420 mate, girls are loving in there also, safe and dry

thx for the rep smokeybro :thanks: and well, they're not completely safe, or dry yet, lol :rolleyes2: i still need to get some doorz on the front with a lock & a diff tarp configgeration for the top, but -> baby stepz...:baby: ppp
Introducing Ivy & Virgo =)
Ivy Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :yay:


and Virgo :coffee:


ok, ya, me cheatin a lil bit here, lol :smoking: i hate it when two beanz that are planted the same day don't sprout the same day, as it makez the journal...ackward
:nono: ah well, it is what it is...:rolleyes2: at any rate, theze two are the hso seed4diary tester beanz i rec'd las week from @HSO-Mark :thumbsup: Ivy is the chocolate mint og auto & Virgo, complete with helmet :doh:, is the chem-bomb auto...i don't like to count it as day 1 until they're fully standin up, helmet or no, so that'z why the half-day count for Virgo ;) they were both planted this past sunday & are both outside to start...they're in me good ol' 3L potz with me homemade soil, and with the high humidity we've had lately, their domez at this point are more to keep em warm at nite, as it'z been gettin down to 50f & will be upper 40'z this weekend :yoinks: nothin more to report at this time & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
thx for the rep smokeybro :thanks: and well, they're not completely safe, or dry yet, lol :rolleyes2: i still need to get some doorz on the front with a lock & a diff tarp configgeration for the top, but -> baby stepz...:baby: ppp
Hey no problem Bro 420. :pass: Its looking great once done they will be able to be weather proof more, and its great dont have to watch them and skies all the time lol. Cool i am the same nice if they all popped at once, i will be dropping 4 beans tmorrow to be ready for the next grow.
The Cheeze Twinz Day 85
The Cheeze Twinz Day 85 :smoking: (00 seedz cheeze auto & cheeze berry auto)



Cheeze Berry...

theze two are teazin me big time :doh: should be comin down some time this week, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
