Emerald Day 92 - last picz alive
Emerald Day 92 :smoking:


and a couple nite picz...

yup, it'z time for dear lil Emerald to fall :tang: of course, she won't hafta fall far, seein as how she'z only 10" tall, but...:rofl: :rolleyes2: the sun has now set in the heartland & i'll be bringin her inside before i go to bed to get her dark time for probly 36h, then on tuezday, i'll give her a h2o2 rinse-n-clean (my first time doin such a thing)...after dryin out from that, she'll get a final wet trim & hung up to dry ;) i been keepin an eye on her trichz the past few dayz, which i wanted to get more amber than i uzually do, cuz after all, she'z strictly a medical plant, and they're mostly cloudy, with about 20-25% amber, mostly up on the top, so that should be about right i figger :thumbsup: she'z pretty dense & i'm thinkin she'll give about 1/4 oz or so ;) i wanna thank @Autoseeds.com for the oppurtunity to grow her & i'm def lookin forward to bein able to add in some 16% cbd here & there to me salad bowlz, uh-huh :woohoo1: will update again in a coupla dayz, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Outdoor growtrain misc
group shot... :smoking:


the cheeze twinz, aka cheeze & cheeze berry, both from 00 seedz, day 42...:smoking:


...and last but not least, me mystery photo at 60d, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

love the box 420forever, really good idea bro esp if it rains :pass: :d5: lovely frosty buds