PS just read what I missed about grasshopper! That was what I suspected on yours! Had someone with same problem asking me how to treat other day but referred them to my pest control place arbico organics! Use some em1 and make some em5 and some em1 fermented plant extract to use as a spray. Keeps pests away and any intruders that try to snack the stuff makes alcohol as it ferments and it cases the insects stomachs to expand til they explode and they die! Got 2 days left on my activated em1 first arch attempt!
I need to send you an earthbox junior bro! You’d shit yourself the plants they create without special treatment on said plant!
rocbudinc Phrple Roc Berry 37 days
hey 420zfoever, shame about the stunted Summer and Pearl. I had a bad run of stunted plants at one time not sure why, i even questioned my storage. The most famous of my stunted plants was little one, lol i gave up and didnt even bother brining her underneath, then one day she just shot up:nono: and gave 28gram and beat her normal sisters. I am like you, i do like to give them chance. Love frosty buds there mate :woohoo1:
Pearl & Summer Day 11

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not sure what'z been goin on with Summer, but unfortunately, me don't think she'z gonna be worth keepin around :shrug: i mean, i'm all for givin a plant a chance..."no auto left behind", etc etc...but c'mon, she'z 11d, and well, look at her :nono: my strong inkling at this point is to jus g'head & pull her & plant a bubble gum in her place

and meanwhile, Pearl duzn't be doin...much of anything, lol :doh: bloody fuckin grasshopper anyway, grrr :nono: tbh, both of em would probly come back, like Xena did, but, like Xena, they'll inevitably be stunted, and quite frankly, i've had my fill of stunted plantz lately :nono: i may give Pearl a chance, i may not, idk yet...:shrug: ppp

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Oh brudder ya gots da get the train back on track soon :smoking: Better growing soon ur wayz :cheers:
hey 420zfoever, shame about the stunted Summer and Pearl. I had a bad run of stunted plants at one time not sure why, i even questioned my storage. The most famous of my stunted plants was little one, lol i gave up and didnt even bother brining her underneath, then one day she just shot up:nono: and gave 28gram and beat her normal sisters. I am like you, i do like to give them chance. Love frosty buds there mate :woohoo1:
Oh brudder ya gots da get the train back on track soon :smoking: Better growing soon ur wayz :cheers:

thanx guyz :thumbsup: i did end up pullin Summer late las nite & the poor lil thing didn't even have any rootz started, much less growing, lol :frowny: ah well, we're suppozed to be gettin some rain showerz later today, so me jus gonna let the pot o' soil get a good soakin, then plant a bubble gum in it in a couple dayz ;) ppp
Bubble Gum sounds like a nice one, must have a sweet scent :woohoo1:

i wouldn't know, seein as how me own smeller don't work fer shit, so... :rofl: tbh, the bubble gum is a choice cuz that'z what April is, but she'z inside in a smaller 3L pot...she'z doin great tho budwize, so me jus goin with what i've good luck with so far ;) i'll also be plantin another fb rhino ryder & fs ww x bb in about 10 more dayz, both of which did good previously & have great highz, so...if it ain't broke, don't fix it, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
i wouldn't know, seein as how me own smeller don't work fer shit, so... :rofl: tbh, the bubble gum is a choice cuz that'z what April is, but she'z inside in a smaller 3L pot...she'z doin great tho budwize, so me jus goin with what i've good luck with so far ;) i'll also be plantin another fb rhino ryder & fs ww x bb in about 10 more dayz, both of which did good previously & have great highz, so...if it ain't broke, don't fix it, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Nice, not sure have to see if she would smell of bubble gum, lol not sure i could smell bubble gum also, i like April:dancer: , true wanna plant more like her. True Bro, if its a good strain stick with , dont fix it :woohoo1: :pass:
Introducing Bubbles =) Day 1
Bubbles Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :yay:


happee 4th kidz & say high to Bubbles! :biggrin: told ya me was gonna plant another bubble gum from 00 seedz, and well, here she is ;) (psst, she'z actually one of three diff girlz havin an independence day birth today, hehe :muahaha: ) the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


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