New Grower 40 days in, 1 plant very sick. Please help diagnose :)

Mar 26, 2019
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Hi All,
Anyone help you can offer with my girls would be much appreciated!

Problem: Yellowing/dying bottom leaves and brown spots. New growth seems ok

Medium/grow method: Plant Magic Supreme Soil - Organic

Feed: and supplements used: 300-400ppm Plant magic oldtimers bloom every two waters, then just ph'd water with 1tbs of mollases blackstrap organic.

water source: tap, 6.5, dechlorinated by sitting out 24-36hrs

Strain/age: 40days ish the lighter green plants are dinafem crital jack auto, the healthy darker green one is a purple kush

light used: 315 lec phillips agro, 18/6

Climate: 28C 35-40 RH

Additional info:

All 4 plants followed same watering and nutes. Purple kush looks lovely and healthy. The sick jack (no. 1) was always weak from the start, but obviously has something major wrong now. No.3 is also getting sick, No.2 not as bad but still something not right. All the jacks look noticeable more pale then the kush.

Any ideas what to do? I think its a nitrogen problem, but they are in flower now so not sure what to do..

I also have some calmag that i havent used yet. But its not part of the organic range from plant magic, hope thats ok.

Also, should i remove the dead leaves?

Thanks for the help, i really don't want this first grow to be a failure!
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Up your nitrogen, its eating lowers to grow.
Do i need to get a nitrogen only nute? or can I use the PM oldtimers grow nutes? I was thiking if I used grow nutes now it would effect the growth of the flowers.

Additionally, any calmag needed? The plant magic calmag i have has 2% nitrogen as well.
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:toke:-- some of this is the normal tapping out and fading of lower leaves, mostly N, but P too from the looks of it.... overall color fade is more of a longer term underfeeding I believe, and in part the low P input,.... Is that 300-400ppm on top of whatever your water's native ppm is? I'd say feeds have been light, given the mild NPK numbers (3-5-4),...plenty of N going in there, don't add more! Look into getting a PK booster, something with little to no N, high PK....
Different strains, different nute demands and tolerances, even pheno' to pheno' differences can be significant,...that all 3 Jack crosses are behaving similarly is a case in point here :thumbsup:... plus, some plants are just not up to snuff for vitality, part of the gamble we take with all seeds! would also be wise to get an in-pot pH taken, just to be sure,... you'll need a proper pH probe for that though,...
this unit is sold under several brand names: Control Wizard Accurate 8, Gain Express, TeckoPlus.... or other electrode bulb types (more $$),....