Mephisto Genetics 4 X S.O.D.K. X ALIEN

The metal wire grates that the Smart Pot sit on are sturdy enough to lift and hold the pots for easier moving around. I've watered the girls in the box, but it's a mess even though there is a raised rubber mat protecting the floor of the stealth armoire. I like to bottom feed my girls. I'll prime the soil with a two cup top watering and then finish the saturation of the root ball with two cups of bottom watering. They soak up all available water. I'll give a good run off watering a few times. Really no mineral salt build up going organic which is the reason for a good 10%-20% run off. I switch from run off to capillary action feeding/watering. My dad was a good gardener and he did capillary action watering. Soak the soil to to saturation is easier with capillary action for me
Put the SmartPots in a saucer that's big enough to hold the container. Nursery terracotta saucer is what i use. Prime the top of the soil with two cups of water and then add two cups to the saucer. Capillary action will suck up the water from the bottom and saturate the soil and root ball. Water seeks water in a sense. The moist top of the pot will draw the water from the bottom up. If necessary add more water to the bottom until the soil is saturated. When the soil is totally wet there will be no more capillary action. The soil to moisture is in balance. As the girls get thirsty they drink up and the capillary action of drawing moisture to the needed area. Drying the soil allows fresh oxygen to replace the areas that have dried a bit. It takes a major drought to kill a healthy root ball. It's the tiny root hairs that are the water seekers and that's what we are keeping active when we feed and water. Takes a few minutes for the soil to soak up the bottom feed. Once it's saturated let the soil dry out to a moist dry and repeat.

Need to prime the soil by 1st watering the top with roughly 1/2 the amount you plan to to water. In the girls case they will hold 1 quart of water. Two cups top watering and then two cups bottom watering. You'll know they are drinking more or less by the amount of bottom watering. There is no guess work. The soil will saturate by holding only the amount water it can hold. Then when allowed to dry out there is no issue with over watering as long as the soil gets a fair amount of time to dry out between cycles.
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That's cool! I actually got some aluminum pie tins that the 2 gallon pots fit perfectly in. I could always just stretch them out a tad to allow for water space and continue with your steps...

The "tube is the soil in the Smart Pot (2 gallon)...the rest is simply explained in the above video.
Moisture meter at 4-5. Dry enough to have a good watering. Started with 1 qt of water. Half amount top watering the rest bottom watering. Took an extra 2 cups of water from the bottom. 6 cups of water for each. Very green and lush young ladies.

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Day 40




With every watering the girls get a teaspoon of Epsom Salt.. totally healthy young ladies. Will start FLOWER nutrients on the next FEED.

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