Old Reviews 4 inch flange problem

in a pinch one can make an adapter collar by cutting a flange from a plastic soft-drink bottle and using omni-present duct tape :D
Just an update, so i wanted to talk to someone from phresh filter to just tell them about my issue and see if they could give me a link to some ducting that without a doubt would 100 percent fit. I googled searched .... no phone number ANYWHERE for phresh filter... So i am on the website and i see at the bottom.. "A Sunlight Supply, INC. Company" So i searched for their phone number. This lady answers the phone and told me "we are just distrubtors we don't give information out to the public, you need to contact phresh filter" I told her "on the phresh filter site it states that it is a sunlight company so you infact manufacturer Phresh Filters correct?" Her "Yes we do but you have to talk to a retail location about the product" TALK ABOUT getting Fucked off. WOW

Since the phresh filter isn't up and running and the service that i received from sunlight i don't know how i feel in general about Phresh filters
I know this dont help your situation any but phresh emailed me back this morning and said they just recently fixed their flange problem so if you ever buy them in the future they should fit right!