Oct 22, 2018
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Hi guys,
I started this journey in my closet area with 3x3 tent using 24/0 schedule and i am currently at day 71. I am new to this community and english is not my native language so any mistakes with punctuation and spelling I apologize beforehand.

The genetics;

- Canuk seeds auto amnesia x1
- Dutch passion blue auto mazar x2

Here is my setup;

- 3x3 tent
- 4x 5 gal pots
- 205w Optic2 led
- 4 inch 230cfm exhaust fan
- 4 inch carbon filter
- taotronics humidifier
- 6 inch clip on fan

Growing environment;

Temperature: 23C - 26C
Humidity: %40-%50
Ph: 6.6

The medium;

- Blue sky organics supersoil + promix potting mix.

%60-%40 ratio

The amendments;

- Gaia green all purpose 4-4-4

I popped my seeds with paper towel method, there was 4 at the begining, I didn’t have luck with one of them which didn’t germinate at all. I put 1 auto amnesia and 3 blue auto mazars and one of the mazar didn’t make it. They are under 24/0 light schedule from the begining. I top dressed them at week 7 with Gaia green all purpose but other than that just dechlorinated tap water with ph 6.6. I am posting pictures from day 1 to day 71, it’s kinda scattered as in I didn’t follow a weekly pattern when i took photos but hey i am almost there and i would appreciate any input from anybody who comes across with my post. Happy growing everyone! Here is some photos;

Not a big fan of the paper towel method myself ive always found it less successful than soak em in a cup of water over night, jiffy pellets and a propagator with the tent lights on at a abit of a distance, maybe 1 out of 20 dont make it,

Grow looks solid man well done! Nice and frosty!

Ive always used 2.5 gal air/fabric pots and grown 4 footers, some people have great amounts of success with 24h lights but ive always seen the best results personally with 20/4, something to consider maybe :)

Great job mate!

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Not a big fan of the paper towel method myself ive always found it less successful than soak em in a cup of water over night, jiffy pellets and a propagator with the tent lights on at a abit of a distance, maybe 1 out of 20 dont make it,

Grow looks solid man well done! Nice and frosty!

Ive always used 2.5 gal air/fabric pots and grown 4 footers, some people have great amounts of success with 24h lights but ive always seen the best results personally with 20/4, something to consider maybe :)

Great job mate!

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

Thanks man I appreciate it!
I have always used the paper towel method and I can’t say i have been %100 successful with it everytime. Time to time one or two didnt pop. So i have been thinking of using rapid rooters for next run to see how it will work. Also i will switch to 20/4 schedule on the next one. This is my first time trying 24/0 schedule which is experimental. I also have 4x 3 gallon airpots which i will try again next time. Thats awesome by the way 4 footers in 2.5 gals! I was in between fabric and airpots and i wanted to give airpots a go.We will see i guess. Thanks for your input! Happy growing!
Day 72, Blue auto mazars have mostly cloudy trichomes and amnesia has %10 amber. I took some pictures I thought i would share.

Do you guys any idea why some of my photos are sideways? Cant seem to figure it out.


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Bud porn!

I think youll have better success with rooters for sure, ive never used them because the jiffy method works for me so i dont dare change anything haha! But ive heard good things about them,

I think 3gal is the magic number with autos i just prefer 2.5g, pot size is better for me in a smaller tent. How are you thinking of drying? Id be interested to know dry weights and density, ive just finished drying my northern lights x big bud that hermied at the end which made me chop it early, buds are so airy im abit dissapointed with it, hopefully it will smoke well and taste even better! Even with the fluffy buds dry weight was a little over 60g, ive got another 2 in soil atm that i put into final pots yesterday, hoping for a better turn out this time!

Happy growing mate! Loving them photos, fingers crossed yours dont hermie, nothing is worse than bud full of seeds :(

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Looking good!
I've recently started messing around with germination methods and I'm overthinking it, and wasting seeds.
I'll probably try putting them directly into Rapid Rooters next time and keep them warm; see what happens. Rockwool works too but my last run the RR's worked way better than the RW so I think I'll just use those from now on. No pH issues and they're just nice to use overall.
The sideways photo thing, there are some posts about it on here. You need to use a photo editing program to play with them I read; I just found that by cropping my pics just a little on my phone using the standard iPhone photo app had them upload the right way.
Edit to add the thread here:
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Its time guys! I got %30 amber going on. They are coming down tonight. I am going to post pictures as i go. So here is before any trimming or chop down.


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Good job! Interested to see what you get off of these girls harvest wise :pop:
Thanks guys! My house reaked like crazy last night lol. I am estimating around 2 oz each when they are dry. They are very dense and super sticky. I had to clear my shears between each plant. They are in tent now temp is 25C and %50 humidity.Here is some more pictures after trimming.


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