New Grower 3x fast n vast +1 gsc remo supercharged kit .led kimbo 900w 600w first time led

No worries mate best of luck.gsc might go 2 weeks longer she easy a 14 week strain.she likes to veg longer than ur average bare that in mind;)happy growing;)
snd that was sort of my plan if i can get my 2 fast and vast out these 2 are sat in the back it will give my last 2 great room then my big gsc and i have a near 5 week s girl will have tons of space also @autobeast the gsc big colas are quite skinny maybe in time they will fatten out they seem quite spindly
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Bro i hit a prob haha had to relocate due to having to walk out on the mrs was getting to much for me to handel buh we are safe minimal stresss and done during complete darkness before lights came on ......

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Gsc day 25 I have been using optic foliar on this young lady and she's exploded I received it as a gift off @opticfoliar from his interview dinesh thanks you also just another few pics I'm looking at taking the back 2 down within 10 days and keep running my other 2 also some more tricome shots



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9 weeks tomoz guys deffo some swelling going on so here's a few pics as these may be the last fast and vast as I'm thinking of chopping her in maybe a week to make room for my 26 day old girl
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Looking good bro! Have autopots coming next week. Where else can U get the advice of top growers around the world? Plenty of good folk here.
Your right there pal also when your setting them up if you need any tips just ask
Tom ima look into air pots for next grow buh may get a tent an proper set up the jome do cupboards dont cut it hahahah

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