God of Plants
Damn, ain't the the truth LMAO! I'm glad I'm not alone in that!
Brother Bandit what it do homie. I'm not gonna drop the screen until absolutely needed to hold em back - this grow. Your just trying to get me to try out a scrog early arnt ya? I'm afraid 3 of these under a net would fill up the screen too fast, gonna havta wait until the double grow after this to really try my hands at a "true" scrog. This one will be just, ya know, attempt to keep em at bay, is all. I still got around 10-15" to work with before I'll be scrablin to work somethin out.
You guys still spend a lot of time looking at your plants? Like seriously, I just went downstairs to see how Denise was doing and all be damned 30 min went by just like that. I know I was sitting down there just looking and admiring nature, just brought a huge as smile to my face. Gotta enjoy the simple things in life.
Oh and the smell! Mmm Mmm already, like when I gently rub on her branch and smell my finger it smells so AHH refreshing is honestly how I would describe it.
cmon brah!! I live with my girls lol. they about to turn me in as a fuckin petafyle cause they getting sick of me starin at em. lmfao. they prolly think im a creeper, always lookin at em, sniffin em, caressing there leaves. lmao
I KNOW BRO!! normal people just no get it!!!lmao
Damn, ain't the the truth LMAO! I'm glad I'm not alone in that!
Yeah you wait Bandit! Soon it's gonna be wall to wall and floor to ceiling making this grow a fucking CUBE of weed.Aw yeah! Wall to wall weed!
Thanks, Dazed! Appreciate you taking a look!Looking great bro!