Indoor 3rd Time's a Charm!

Yeah tell me about it. I'm subscribed to 14 threads currently! And a few are big ones like the BAM so if you miss even just a day or 2 you are pretty behind and it takes some time to get caught up, just to repeat it again in a day or 2 lol.
BK thats a nice setup bro.. coolest cfl hood rig ive seen. :goodluck: with these ive had my eye on them for a while the bud structure looks great in the stock pic. Subbed up for the rest.
Yo Jay thanks for stopping by and checkin out my grow man, and for the kind words. Fuck man I put a lot of work into the whole thing so I'm hoping I'll be able to pull a good return. Thing about this hood is that it has awesome even lighting across the whole cab. We'll see how the bud structure turns out, those stock pics cant really be trusted lol but this is the real shit!!
im confident your gonna knock out the park this time bk. you know lots more, your cab is the shizz nit, and I think you wont be so tempted to harvest early, you gots this brotha
Thanks Faded, really appreciate that bro! I seem to have the vegging part down, but my biggest challenge so far has been keepin' them fully healthy during flowering. However with the idea that like you said I know more. I also understand autos and their grow periods so much more, and understand nutes. Hell, when I first started growing with autos, I didn't even think I would need nutes at all for autos! Haha this forum has helped me get where I am, so much props to the whole community here! Third time is the charm, yeah?

I'll be throwing down a week 3 update tomorrow. The ladies are looking awesome. Denise and Jordin had a mini stretch, while Taylor is bushing out instead of gaining height. I'm sure they'll be starting their main stretches very soon at which point who knows what's gonna happen! Week 3 might have a surprise in store for the ladies. We'll see how they progress, I wanna see them start their stretch this week before I lay it on em. :D
Keeping them healthy in flower has been the toughest for me too, have yet to grow a plant that is healthy from beginning to end. We get better tho with each go i think, my problems been sticking to one set of nutes/medium lol
For me, flowering is cruise control, but the vegging stage can be tricky! I guess we all have our smooth and rough patches to deal with, which turns us into better growers. Nothing wrong with dealing with a bit of adversity! I think you got this, BK. Smooth sailing, bro!
Day 21 Update

Whew! Starting to grow quite a bit each day now. Just look at the progress in 1 week! Holy cow!
Things are looking on point here :)


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That cfl hood setup is nice lol. How big ix that cab? I think you're totally going to outgrow it =D
Haha right! It's about 4x2x5 ft. Guess we will soon be finding out.

Keeping them healthy in flower has been the toughest for me too, have yet to grow a plant that is healthy from beginning to end. We get better tho with each go i think, my problems been sticking to one set of nutes/medium lol
Yeah haha for sure, we definitely get better each go. As a grower I try not to make the same mistake twice, which is why I document my grows so in depth.

For me, flowering is cruise control, but the vegging stage can be tricky! I guess we all have our smooth and rough patches to deal with, which turns us into better growers. Nothing wrong with dealing with a bit of adversity! I think you got this, BK. Smooth sailing, bro!
Damn bandit you just have to be backwards don't you haha. But yeah I know what you mean. We all have are strong points and our weak areas. Its just a good thing we can all come together to fill in the gaps.