[NOVICE] micro.grower
got a couple of this cheap digital hygrometers ($3 a piece)
just got them this morning -- they are currently in the box to check the accuracy vs the other ones
positives so far:
- very light weight / battery included
- cheap :thumbs:
- should fit perfectly in the curing jars
- temps are aligned with the rest of the thermometer temp
*+/- 1 or 2 degrees*
negatives so far:
- no option for F set up / always on C
- RH % is way off compare to my current gauges
current ranges of temp + rh%
*counter clockwise*

#1: temp @ 85.5F / rh @ 40%
#2: temp @ 85.3F / rh @ 40%
#3: temp @ 86F / rh @ 41%
#4: temp @ 31.4C (87F) / rh @ 24%
#5: temp @ 31.1C (87F) / rh @ 34
gauges 1-3 basically even +/- 1-2
gauges 4-5 (new comers) are all over the place with the RH
i will leave them in the case for now -- see what changes in the morning.
i will then be calibrating all the gauges i have (keeping notes on the difference)
*should be @ 75% RH with this method below*
as always!
thoughts/comments/questions are always welcome

just got them this morning -- they are currently in the box to check the accuracy vs the other ones
positives so far:
- very light weight / battery included
- cheap :thumbs:
- should fit perfectly in the curing jars
- temps are aligned with the rest of the thermometer temp
*+/- 1 or 2 degrees*
negatives so far:
- no option for F set up / always on C

- RH % is way off compare to my current gauges
current ranges of temp + rh%
*counter clockwise*

#1: temp @ 85.5F / rh @ 40%
#2: temp @ 85.3F / rh @ 40%
#3: temp @ 86F / rh @ 41%
#4: temp @ 31.4C (87F) / rh @ 24%
#5: temp @ 31.1C (87F) / rh @ 34
gauges 1-3 basically even +/- 1-2
gauges 4-5 (new comers) are all over the place with the RH
i will leave them in the case for now -- see what changes in the morning.
i will then be calibrating all the gauges i have (keeping notes on the difference)
*should be @ 75% RH with this method below*
as always!
thoughts/comments/questions are always welcome
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