Mephisto Genetics 3BOG by Slowandeasy

Here are 8 out of the 10 3BOG. Will update in a week or so.
Thanks for te Rep! I pulled the 2 tallest and 2 more of them over to a larger flower area. Cobs were too close to the tall ones, they were getting light stressed, I have a lot of light in that 4x4! I am going to UP the pH on one of the taller ones to see if it absorbs CALMAG more effectively, the cobs make plants more CALMAG hungry, especially the closer the plants are to the lights. The buds are getting bigger, but the leaves near the top of the tall plants are either really hungry because of the light intensity or just stressed out from the intensity. I am already feeding 10ml per gal if Magical, hopefully changing the pH will help. Will see in a few days! Will start feeding upped pH tomorrow on 2 of tbe 3BOG. I will share findings, normal pH for me is 5.9-6.1... I'm gonna up to 6.3. Only way to know if something will help or not is to try. If that doesn't help I will try upping my whole feed a little bit, maybe a little stronger feeding will help..instead of just upping CALMAG.
A little update, I have decided to not even bother hooking the AutoPots up. I adjusted the pH up to 6.2 and want to keep it there for a few days on just a few...the rest will get normal range. According to my calendar they only have 3 weeks or so left. But I always let the palnts decide. So e will go earlier, some later...I can already tell. They are putting on weight daily, but the tall ones look stressed out compared to the short ones. Will see how the higher pH does. Because there are only a few weeks left, I do not expect the deficient leaves to magically look perfect. But hopefully I will be able to notice if the pH is better higher or lower. Will update in 2 more days and let everyone know if I see any changes in the 6.2 plants. Peace, Slow
You need a profile picture so it's easier to find you lol. Plants are looking good bro. I'm surprised you didn't pull the big branches over. Cobs are working well for you!

I had all 10 in that 4x4, so I didn't really have the room to bend the tops when I should have. Once I had space to move them I did, but they are to hard to train now. Besides, on the first run of seeds I kinda like to see what the phenos do naturally. Those 2 were ahead the whole time, especially the one. Unfortunately I did not have the space to train them early, but now I know how tall these can get and how they do without training. They were too close to the cobs, so I moved 6 out of the 10 to a larger flower area. Now I only have 4 of them in the 4x4. I am going to add 4 out of the 6 Sour Cracks once they have a nice root system, I will transplant them into the 2.2gal AutoPots. I will start a seperate thread dor them.
Any updated pics?
will take a few pics tomorrow. I just started flushing another 2 plants tonight. Luckily they are finishing at different times, I have 10 to harvest. Hopefully the smaller ones keep on needing more time! The bigger ones are getting done faster.