Dutch Passion 360 grams from 3 TD's

Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Guys

I started a diary a while back on a think different grow I started but unfortunately it was deleted along with my account. I was waiting for my accounts to be merged and was trying to hold out starting any new threads until that happened but I waited too long and now the grow is finished. I lost my pics too so all I have are words I'm afraid.

I had 3 td's all of which got off to a pretty bad start as I had problems with mg deficiencies and the plants were pretty slow growing. to compensate I kept them on veg nutes for an extra few weeks and although the plants got to a nice size I feel I may have affected the total yield as the plants weren't getting the correct nutes for when they started flowering and buds didn't get as fat as some td's I've seen. Never the less I got a fairly decent hall. Around 180g from my biggest the about the same again between the 2 smaller plants.

I've got plenty to smoke at the moment so I'm taking a little break but I'll be back soon to do another grow. Hopefully back under my old account!

Nice one GG, by chance got any pics for us to drool over, I'll pass some rep your way anyway!!! Sorry about the account delete, but some times stuff happens, at least you got some great meds to help you through it!!!
Unfortunately I haven't got any pics. Only of the first half of the grow so it's a bit pointless posting them!