New Grower 3 weeks to go and no light getting to the inner buds

Science is about experiments and when you grow inside you're practicing the science of botany. What works in one environment may not in the next. Finding the right rhythm in our environments is die by trial and error.

I'm always evolving the way I grow as I believe that way is the only way to grow Weed.

I'm not ever going to stop learning how to grow better, I'm addicted to it.

I've heard a lot of people say they've been growing for x amount of years and they know best.... well I know that some of those people have been growing mediocre/poorly for x amount of years...

Results speak for themselves, they are heard a lot more clearly than words.

I have always welcomed change or new ideas because with out them we not need a site as this.

If it's one thing that I've learned its that Nothing is concrete when it comes to this hobby.

your only fooling yourself

plant biology proves why leaves are needed and it also proves the damage and stress caused by removing them, you mention "change or new ideas" but this is neither, it was being done long before any of us were born and has time and time again been professionally proven to be a bad thing, do not fall into the B.S. published by the likes of hightimes etc, they will publish anything if you pay them too, and the people writing the articles are doing so with the intent of looking important within the canna world, it does not mean they grow well just because they write well

you claim "What works in one environment may not in the next" but ignore that fact that if you need to pluck leaves your "environment" is not as good as it should be

instead of stressing your plants FIX your environment

just saying

Very consise first post chix! :)

Welcome to AFN!


I'd get used to the "great defoliation debate" if i were you :rofl: It seems to crop up every other week!
Leaf "tucking" seems to be a good compromise for the determined hehe

Hey - why not pop up a hello over at introductions for a nice warm welcome from our members!!

Happy growing!
All the best

Blue :d5:

yeah wow its crazy eh, my generation learned long ago, i thought once the definitive proof was out there that it would end the nonsense

apparently it has not haha

thanks for the welcome
:You are an Angel..:

Let's not have another defoliation blow out.

Gentle Vibe Reminder

We're all entitled to opinions - please keep it civil and not antagonistic.

Personal experiences = Fine
"My way is better than yours" = Not fine.

p.s. my mother inlaw just retired after decades from managing a very very large greenhouse complex, our families have been friends for generations, she taught me to grow plants and cannabis in ways and with results far exceeding the average, plus my own 50 year experience

as mentioned by growbiewon, i too am always learning and i am more then open to being taught new things, but there isnt much i havent tried and experimented with, and defoliation has been done to death by myself and many others with not just years but multiple decades of actual hands on experience, which has proven over and over that defoliation is not good, like i said earlier, "if it is needed in someones environment they should fix said environment"

sorry blue, i will stop now, been around long enough to know some people will never be open to actual biological evidence

im done
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the agricultural industry uses the process of defoliation to remove any unnecessary "suckers" as they're called.

These suckers are the branches and leaves that are in the shade or not developed enough to reach the canopy by fruiting/floweing.

These "suckers" will reduce yield, and I'm not the one that invented the said term.

In the cannabis industry this is called lollipopping and usually practiced heavily by the scrog growers.

The scrog growers will adamantly tell us that the canopy is the key. Otherwise they would leave everything under the screen or not even use one. These suckers get trimmed to let the even canopy benefit.

Defoliation in veg is not recommended.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the agricultural industry uses the process of defoliation to remove any unnecessary "suckers" as they're called.

These suckers are the branches and leaves that are in the shade or not developed enough to reach the canopy by fruiting/floweing.

These "suckers" will reduce yield, and I'm not the one that invented the said term.

In the cannabis industry this is called lollipopping and usually practiced heavily by the scrog growers.

The scrog growers will adamantly tell us that the canopy is the key. Otherwise they would leave everything under the screen or not even use one. These suckers get trimmed to let the even canopy benefit.

Defoliation in veg is not recommended.

suckers and defoliation of leaves are two different things, but yes what you are refering to as "sucker removal" "can" benefit the upper growth, sometimes and unfortunately often not enough to justify the loss of said lowers/suckers, depending on growing style and lighting of course, again "environment"

my lighting coverage mimics the outdoors as best as possible, i use more "lights" not necessarily more "light" i use multiple horizontal and multiple vertical lights and my floor is also highly reflective, not just my walls, i do not run more watts, just more lights kept closer, the plants are being hit from every angle possible

also, many years ago suckers were only dead and dying leaves and branches, nowadays they are considered as any lower leaf or branch, older people still call the dead and dying ones suckers because even a dead leaf that is still attached is sucking goodness from the plant, as accepted as the meaning is nowadays, i come from a time that wont let me change the meaning, lowers are lowers, not suckers IME, but even with that said, a dying leaf should not be pulled until it is dead, the plant most often is sucking that leaf dead and if you pluck it the plant will find a new leaf to suck on to get what it is after, a lot of the time there is a minor deficiency and the plant chose that leaf to get what it needs, if you pull that leaf too soon the plant will sacrifice the next best leaf and so on and so on

good discussion, thanks everyone for not resorting to name calling and such like i see on other forums
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My friend I am a noob but I dont think cutting all you fun leaves is a good idea I have removed some leaves from my amnesia haze which is indeed very bushy and she did very well, but all of them!!! They contain nutrients sugars ..... Let the experiments for later I suggest
I'll just say from personal experience the time I got defoliating happy I ended up basically taking all the fans leafs off while flushing my gal, she ended up cannablizing herself... almost ruined a perfectly good plant... I always tend to pick off the lower leaves and branches to keep near the pot nice and tidy.... I also think that trying things and seeing how they go is always the best way to learn, no harm in trying something new... And on the list of breeders, give bodhi a check, archive seeds, rare dankness, motarebel, loompa farms, and wow the list could go on and on of some really good breeders out there that are not the pioneers but rather the new and upcommers...
:Sharing One: