light does not feed the bud, leaves do
and to those who claim better or equal yields after defoliating, it has been scientifically proven the buds are leafier due to the plant replacing the plucked leaves, even the people posting in this thread saying its ok to pluck said themselves "the plant grows more" its just a shame they do not realise how many more are grown inside the bud and in place of bud material
lower buds do not grow small because of lack of light, it is the natural growth of plants, you can surround the lowers with vertical lighting in turn flooding the lower parts of the plant with more unblocked light then even the top is getting and your lower buds are STILL going to be smaller then the uppers
only 15% of the light that hits a leaf is blocked, allowing 85% of the light to go through, and of the light that is blocked, it is visual spectrum to humans NOT plants, so to us we do not see light under a leaf because the visual light is blocked, but that spectrum is not used by plants anyway, the plants see light under those leaves
after 50 years of outdoor and 30+ of indoor growing i can safely say of the many many strains i have grown, the heaviest yielding one was and is so leafy with huge fans that you do not see 60+ % of the plant during flowering, but boy oh boy do you ever see buds come harvest time
99 times out of 100 when someone plucks leaves from a plant they also give special or extra attention to said plant, even if and when they do not even realise it, any benefit seen is not credited to the removal of leaves, or i should say should not be credited to the removal of leaves
over the years i have tested this theory many many times, every time i prove it is bad to remove leaves, but after some time passes and someone brings it up, i think to myself "maybe ill do it differently with a different outcome this time" but the outcome never changes, not without other things factoring in, like extra attention etc etc,,,
if you had a super fast sports car would you try to make it faster by removing 2 of its spark plugs ?
anyway, i just realised this is still my first post, ive been coming to the site for a long time and got tired of not seeing pics, so i finally made an account