Indoor 2xJack 47: 600w led, SCROG, Trying to max out my setup abilities!!

The Now that's something I never thought about,

I water the girls before I leave my home for work, 8 hours later the roots was out of the air pot bot and in the water that was gathered on the plate, what I am suppose to do ? Leave the water for the roots to be in , do nothing and let the roots that came out dry or maybe keep feeding the girls from the plate ? Half hydro half soil hehe

That's exactly why I chose smartpots over airpots. I didn't like that the airpot allowed water to pool up underneath it. Standing water has never really been a good thing from my experience.
First, i don't understand why they recommend putting pebbles in the bottom. Its contrary to the absorption process when you transition from a coarse medium to a fine medium you decrease transfer rate because of, among other things, a decreased surface area at the interface of the two mediums. do away with the clay pebbles and use soil, coco, whatever, only in your pots. With the soil absorbing the solution you use correctly, your not likely to have these problems
Using the airdomes is a good idea also. Oxygenation of the water in the bottom of the pot will help prevent mold. Look at other grows on here using autopots, I haven't seen issues with mold etc in them.

That's exactly why I chose smartpots over airpots. I didn't like that the airpot allowed water to pool up underneath it. Standing water has never really been a good thing from my experience.
Tbh I am not going back to soil for indoor anytime soon .... Too much trouble for no good reason. + I need double the plants for the same ressults double or more nutrients and the risk.
Maybe I try organic DWC if balancing the PH is not going to make my head hairs fall...

Do you know any good nutrients line for organic DWC?
Pics or never happened :D
The problem isn't the soil, its all the crap you put in it! ditch the nutrients and grow organic and you won't have the problems. Don't believe me ? Look at my soil grows. I water and wait. NO ph issues, etc. Need BIG plants? Use a big pot!

How does 100grams dry of a plant that's only 24" tall sound? I did a comparison grow and the organic plants stomped the bottle fed plants! This one:

Dragon's blood pic1 -11-2-2015.jpg

DWC grows great plants. BUT, its expensive, too much hardware to go wrong, a ph problem can ruin your plants 10 times faster in hydro than in soil, and all that screwing around with "nute schedules, measuring this and measuring that, and controling water temperature, air pumps, NOISE........ I keep telling myself I want to do another DWC run, and everytime I get almost there, I say, fuck that!

Soil should RARELY ever be trouble with the right mix to start with and proper organics ( that bottled stuff for soil or hydro is NOT organics! )

Tbh I am not going back to soil for indoor anytime soon .... Too much trouble for no good reason. + I need double the plants for the same ressults double or more nutrients and the risk.
Maybe I try organic DWC if balancing the PH is not going to make my head hairs fall...

Do you know any good nutrients line for organic DWC?
I love the chalenge of DWC, Oh god how I love it, so many things to look for to improve and inovate I dare to say. But the noice... all but the noice.
The best out of the 2 worlds, soil/hydro would be Hydro with Advance Nutrients (I am finishing a project and I ll uploaded the next couple of weeks) No ph issues, No EC issues just expensive at 100$ per plant.

But having my last hydro sample and that soil grow, I can say after 3 months of curing it, that it smell way better than the hydro but the hot summer temps could had its effect on the hydro sample.
(both Jack 47) same bottle nutrients (AN full line used on all girls)

If you can grow lets say once per year Like i do, getting close to double dry end product over soil then Hydro you go!
If you can do chain grows and all you need is the most tastefull end product and you dont care if you have +-50g at the end, soil is for you and ORGANIC one.
I'll play devil's advocate:
DWC/RDWC is interesting and challenging for sure, and has the potential for big yields. There are down sides though also to consider:

1. precise temp control to prevent disease in the res.
2. pollution of the soil or waste treatment resources with the waste solution dumping
3. noise
4. increased electric consumption
5. expensive nutes
6. expensive tools

and if you'd like to take the Live Grow challenge, I'll put my organic soil up against your DWC! pm me if your interested and we'll work out the details!