New Grower 2x2x5 tent with 215w phytomax blackdog led

May 29, 2016
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How many plants can I grow with 3 gallon pots, autoflower strains of course. Thanksent in advance :pass:
With such limited space, you might want to consider researching a scrog grow.
I started with a 2X2.5, and three plants were kind of crowded. And they were small plants.
Thanks guys I'll probably start with 2 and see how that goes.. i don't even have it setup yet, was just looking for advice is all, thanks for the replies. I used to a grow in a pc case so I'm sure a 2x2 is a huge upgrade in regards to that size, was averaging almost an oz. Dry in such limited space with 4 little 40w cfls I cant wait to try out this new setup :cheers:
I also forgot to state that the blackdog 200w has a flowering footprint of 2.5x2.5 so I'm plenty good there... the guys over at blackdog said it would rock in a 2x2 area so we will see, I mean for the price it better lol.. I did get a good deal though it was 20% off plus an extra 12% off so I paid way less than retail. I'm going to be doing the fastbuds line I have lsd25 fast berry and girl scout cookies so I'm pretty excited..:hookah::headbang: