Indoor 2nd Thoughts; Round 2 With THINK DIFFERENT

The company has been in biz since 1969, so that's reassuring :) I've not used it, but it'd be prudent to test its bag pH, just to be safe. I test mine by putting a gallon of soil in a container, an water it (pH'd to 6.5) like it was holding a plant. Then wait 30 mins, and soil test it with an Accurate 8. That's how I found the fluctuations in FFOF bags I was buying. My Sunshine#4 never moves from 6.55 out of the bale, using this method... Just mixed 5 5gal fabric grow bags for the new chemdog and durban poison run :)
(off topic.. What's your plan for germing your BAM seed? I was thinking Tuesday afternoon in shot glass.. should be ready for soil on the 1st.... et Tu?? lol)

I went ahead and just mixed it in with the FFOF, perlite, and some dolomite. I'm about to pot it up, and water it down with some Gnatrol just to make sure there's no larvae in there. I'll test the pH then.
I'm gonna scarify my seed and drop it in some distilled water Tuesday morning before I go to work, then Wednesday morning throw it in a wet paper towel on top of the cable box. It's almost go time!

dont recall off the top of my you have a link or a pic of the product?i prolly seen it around though n sounds like a course mix.does it feel sandy or even a chunky mix or is the bark well composted and broken down?

It's kinda sandy, but there was some chunks in there, too. I sifted through with my hands, and broke it all up, then mixed it with the FFOF and some perlite
Hey, whats up bandit. Stoppin by to say hey! Have not peaked in for a minute. Hope your christmas was bad ass man =) Hope your getting high as a kite on new years eve my brother.
When you giing to just switch to coco bandit?
nice job! :smokeit:

Thank you, JM, and thank you for stopping by my thread!

When you giing to just switch to coco bandit?

I've been thinking about that. I'll probably give myself a few more soil grows before trying out coco, then eventually moving on to hydro. In the end, I want to be an organic growing beast, but not before becoming a well rounded grower that is comfortable with any medium. Shit, one day I might even give aeroponics a go!
well to be honest... I think you should take the "shortcut" to biodynamic organic... it will change your weed, flavors, potency, work (down) and health and happiness... but I'm a purist who understand the nuances of chemical ferts vs nutrition brought to plants by microbes (nature's way).

Anyway... experience never hurts... so you can only gain from it... :smokeit:

nice work on the grow and glad AFN is still helping peeps everywhere... :smokeit:
Thanks for stopping through, JM! I do wanna hurry up and get to organics, but I feel that if I take the long route, I'll end up a more complete, more knowledgeable grower.
DUDE!!!! Just go organics...Dont think about it. Just do it =D :Gary:
You wont regret it man.
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Happy New Years! And a late Merry Christmas gift to me -- I just finished reading all 79 pages! This journal is an incredible resource, and fun to read as well. Think Different is in my near term plans, and you better believe I've got this thread bookmarked. And thanks to TGB for responding so quickly to my PMs. Best of luck to all of you in the BAM Slam! Sounds like fun.