Indoor 2nd Thoughts; Round 2 With THINK DIFFERENT

Yup, the last couple bowls are the best, due to the cure....

But just think, once you get an inventory going, there will be lots of stuff that can be left alone for 3 months :)

The Dark Devil was really, really good at the 3 month mark. :) (Well, almost 3 months ;)

Exactly what I was thinking! This should be my last single plant grow, and then I should start being able to working on building up my stash. Once I do that, 3 month+ buds will be on the menu permanently!
He got those good ass pics off a $15 microscope?! Surely, you jest!! Wow! If that's the case, I'll be getting one, soon! Just gotta get a few other goodies first! LOL
He got those good ass pics off a $15 microscope?! Surely, you jest!! Wow! If that's the case, I'll be getting one, soon! Just gotta get a few other goodies first! LOL
Yup he did bro! He even mentioned in his thread that it was cheap! I now knoe I'm getting one for xmas from the wife..she is ordering it as we speak off amazon. Its a bit more $ and a lil dif but I think it looks kool as hell..hope it ships fast!
lmao Trap where do you get this stuff from. :Sharing One:
A gigantic inventory of useless, trivial knowledge and youtube :)
Hahahaha thats the best knowledge to have!!