Indoor 2nd Thoughts; Round 2 With THINK DIFFERENT

What up, my dudes?! Was buggin' out the past 2 days! Thought I had lost my online bud growin' fam!! I'm gonna have to hit y'all up wit my email addy so if that ever goes down, we can stay trump tight. The buds ain't getting too much bigger, but they are getting fatter and hardening up. For a long while, her smell was pretty faint, but she is funky as hell now! Much different aroma than my previous lady. Like Too Short, from the West Coast, she staying "short but funky" as she wanna be
Day 73.jpg
Day 72 - Closeup.jpgDay 72 - Closeup 2.jpgDay 73 - 2.jpg


Not sure why that pic keeps loading upside down...
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That scrog is lookin great and them trics are purddy GB. Ya figured out when the big day is yet?
Very, very nice! Doing just what you intended it to do. Well Done, TGB! :)

You have to be grinnin' like the Cheshire Cat!

That's some good looking bud man, great job!!
Looks like the scrog is kicking azz bandit

Thanks, Shack! I think I've found my style of choice! I'm a go hard scrogger from here on out!

That scrog is lookin great and them trics are purddy GB. Ya figured out when the big day is yet?

What up, Duckster?! I'm thinking I'll start her 2 week flush in another week. My last TD may have been able to go a bit longer. I chopped her on day 80. This one, I still don't want too much amber, but I'm gonna push her a bit further

Looking good bandit :drool:

Thanks, bro! Every damn time I see your avi, Strawberrie's scenes in Up In Smoke come to mind and I gotta chuckle!
Very, very nice! Doing just what you intended it to do. Well Done, TGB! :)

You have to be grinnin' like the Cheshire Cat!

Trap! My man! It seems like just last week that I was marveling at your first grow, while anxiously waiting to harvest my first crop! Now look at us! Growing bomb buds like we used to dream about!

Your the champ

Thank you kind sir, but please, don't reveal that fact until AFTER the BAM SLAM is done! We wouldn't want the other competitors to know that it's already a done deal!

That's some good looking bud man, great job!!

Medi, how you been, bro?! I gotta work my way back to your thread and see what you got goin' on! Feels like it's been a minute!
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Dude! My negro!. That is exactly what I want to see in my Box. Those buds though........

Happy Danksgiving my man. :pass:
Sweet! How'd you get that plant to grow out of the ceiling?