Indoor 2nd Thoughts; Round 2 With THINK DIFFERENT

Damn plant looks great. Now if only I could figure out how to keep the sun out 20hrs a day lol

There's always Alaska, I hear that during summer in northern parts there's just a few hours of darkness if that. If it wasn't for that damn weather during the rest of the year I'd check it out..
Man, those long, cold ass winter nights are what has kept me from going back!
I spent a month in gdynia a couple of years ago which is right at the top of poland.... it got dark about 11pm and sunrise was at about 4am. Pain in the ass when your staying in a tent... even if your up at 7 thats still 3 hours of blazing sun you've been sleeping in and factor in the alcohol and weed the night before and you wake up with cottonmouth so bad you can barely swallow hahaha! Very good for plants though except for all the laws against it there lol
:Sharing One:
Don't give up on the post bandit. An abandoned post is like watching a football game while someone pulls the cord right before a winning touchdown.
Day 18

Temp Range: 77.9° - 86.2°
Humidity Range: 44% - 90%
Height: 6" (highest tip)
pH of Solution: 5.9
Solution: 1.5 ml Agave Nectar, 1.5 molasses

So, with my last grow, I finished up with a 2 day wet cycle, and it seemed to work pretty well, so I'm using it again, just starting it much earlier. I followed up yesterday's feed with a molasses and Agave Nectar solution today, but didn't water to runoff. I didn't start in with the sugars until flowering during my last grow, and I wanted to get that going early so I could reap more of the benefits. She seemed to have a nice jump in height from yesterday to today, so that was a pleasant surprise. I'll be throwing the net over her real soon, and by this time next week, her little ass will be bent over! Other than that, no new news, folks! Let me know where I'm screwing up, if I am screwing get up! You know I enjoy the constructive criticisms, bits of advice, and helpful tips! Teach me! I'm here to learn! LOL! Have a good evening, and enjoy some stanky danky herbals! Y'all stay cool, and be eazy!

Don't give up on the post bandit. An abandoned post is like watching a football game while someone pulls the cord right before a winning touchdown.

I ain't giving up the fight, Shack! I'm here, baby! Until they drag me away, I'm here!! LOL! I just can't post as often as I used to, but I'll still post!
Glad evrythings ticking over well brother, she's looking great! Umm.. could you explain to me what a 2 day wet cycle is? I don't think i have heard of it before. (When you gets the chance that is, i know your a very busy bee these days!)

Looks like theres a lot of people who miss you! :hug:
It's basically a schedule where I feed her one day, up to the 15-20% runoff, then follow up the next day with a solution of molasses and agave nectar. I don't go until I see 15-20% runoff, though. After that I let the soil dry, but not completely, then start over again. I mentioned it to another member, and they told me they had pretty good results, so when my plant started to flower, that's what I switched over to with my last grow. Starting it from the beginning with this grow
Ahhh sounds very interesting! So the first day is your nutes and the second just water, molasses and algave nectar? Sounds cool, bit of a ball ache making 2 seperate feeds everytime haha! Or maybe im just lazy :stight: