Lighting 2nd Grow: Rapid Afghan and Easy Ryder, Airpots, CFL

My Rapid afghan and Easy Ryder are 6 weeks old today.

After that deal with the mildew, they seem to be getting back to par after having gone a little yellow at the bottom- especially the new growth. I removed a lot of infected leaves from both plants and I think it shocked them pretty bad.

After baking soda and neem oil treatments, they were fed an aerated tea with double Seabird Guano to up the N. It helped with some of the yellowing. Today's feeding was from the BioBizz line again and I gave them a strong dose of FishMix for an N boost, plus BioBloom. The RA got about 3/4 strength Bloom and the ER 1/2 strength Bloom.

Like I mentioned before, I'll be doing another neem oil treatment to keep that mildew away. I am pretty sure it's all gone, but I'm still nervous about a few spores maybe being in the cab somewhere, waiting to be knocked loose and blown onto something green...

Just a reminder about the lights. I've been adding a few watts here and there. Right now there is a big 125w red cfl on top, 3-4" above the RA. Then on the sides there are a total of 178w blue. At the back behind the plants there are another 46w red. That's 349w of cfl all around them.


The ER is looking good. Her growth slowed down after the mildew stuff, but flowering didn't stop. She's looking like what she is- A low-ridin' AK47. Short, but full of branches with many, many flowers all over the place. As of today she's starting to develop trichomes. You really have to search for them with a magnifying glass, but they're coming in.


This is pretty. Have a look inside a young ER:
(That wasn't meant to sound like porn!)


The RA seems like she also had some trouble with her treatment from a few days ago. All growth has stopped, but she's also continued to produce flowers. And she's really doing a good job of it. You can almost hear the buds filling in.

The buds are forming real fast and this girl is covered with trichomes from top to bottom. Only the very smallest bud sites have yet to produce them. Two days ago I was all happy because "Yeah! Trichomes!", and today I said, "Hell yeah, she's getting smothered in them!".

She's standing straight and tall, this pic has a strange angle that makes her look laid back:

And here are lots and lots of branches filled with lots and lots of buds giving me lots and lots of a good feeling:

And the top of the branch in the front:

It really sucks about the mildew. Sorry to mention it again, but it screwed up what I considered to be a good project. These girls didn't deserved to get screwed like that. I just wish I knew where it came from. Wood that I used for the base that I got out of the cellar? The dispenser roll of cotton hand-towels from out in the garage? Carried in on my person after being out in the yard? Who knows. The vacuum cleaner?

I won't say I'm happy to have experienced it, but it's good for the learning curve. I know what to look for and what to do and won't have to have a panic attack if this ever happens again. Riz, guys, thanks for your prompt and ample help!

People, have Neem Oil on hand! :peace:
i'd been holding off on stocking up on some neem oil just because its pricey but your scare has inspired me to go pick some up asap. your plants still look great. that RA has big fat pitils a plenty and bud sites everywhere. i think your going to be very happy with her.
looking awesome mate everything seems really healthy, your prolly right about continuing to feed. my thinking was about the veggie garden it's better to hold off to slow new growth to give less for the mildews favorite growth to attack, but with auto's ye can't slow it.
Thanks for the kind words fellas! :smokebuds:

zaQ and snooch, I'm just trying to keep up to the standards you guys are setting!

Prez, if the RA keeps going like she has been, she WILL make me very happy. Her buds are going really quick. Talk about watching the grass grow...

Hey riz, they were just so droopy and sad looking, then the yellowing- I had to give them something. Thankfully it was the right decision. It perked them right up. Thanks again for your help with that sh*t!
just lovely brotha!!she has that nice green to her too!
looks like she's starting to fill in with some nice nuggs also bro!!just awesome,doing a damn fine job!!
They look great. Ha ha ha love that "talk about watching the grass grow". The RA is especially yummy looking.
Thanks a lot Mr NS!

flwr, you should smell her. She's sending out some strong pheromones or something. She certainly gives me a woozy feeling!