New Grower (2nd) 1st grow of Afghan Kush Ryder & La Diva w/pics.

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Figured I would start a new thread since my old grow journal was tainted with two fails in a row!

Growing a World of Seed's Afghan Kush Ryder, along with a La Diva from Delicious Seeds. Ordered 3 AKR's from Herbies, muffed up the first two, luckily the LD came as a freebee. A little redemption. Curious to see this strain, since it is a bonus essentially.

Germed AKR with a wet paper towel until she cracked and into a jiffy pellet she went, along with the LD as well, except I germed her by a 24 hour soaking in water. The pellets went into a small humidity dome, placed on top of a heat mat in the dark. I placed a small towel in between the mat and dome, concerned about heat problems. As a first timer who failed at his first two seeds I cannot say more that EVERY first timer should use jiffy pellets with a humidity dome! Easy as pie man. Here is the dome.


The girls cracked and sprouted in 48 hours (they are about one day off of eachother). As soon as their shells were shed they were transplanted into their final home. The AKR is in a 2.5 gallon airpot, the LD into a 2 gallon normal pot. Both filled with Lambert LM3 mix, with some sulfer (1/4 teaspoon each) mixed in to lower the ph. (The mix sits at 7.0 as is.) Pre-mixed, and pre-soaked both, 24 hours prior to transplant. Popped on a 23 watt CFL on each. Here is the AKR the day of transplant.


And after 24 hours of that added a 45 watt CFL in the middle. I will end up with four 45 watt CFL's when vegging starts.

Here is the LD on day #2 of transplant.


Here is the AKR on day #3 of transplant.


You see my area has mylar all over, clamps for the CFL's, and ((secret weapon)) ExHale CO2 Bag above the girls. Using reverse osmosis water from Wally World, and will be using the trio of Fox Farm nutes (Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom) when the time comes.


Thanks for ALL THE INFO and helpful admins, and fellow posters, on helping me through this process.
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cool bro, welcome, and glad to see your back on the train, im currntly growing AKR's and have 5 la divas that I will be starting soon as I harvest some photo white widows in a little while, so im curious to see how she goes. Im currently at day 27ish out of soil with my AKR's (3 of them), so if you want to see whats in store in the near future, you can check out my grow. Anyhow, ill be subbed in to follow your progress, good luck! :bong:
It's officially one week in the soil for my girls. It appears that the AKR is looking a little small compared to the LD. Which is odd, considering the LD is one day younger than the AKR, plus the AKR had the good airpot. Just H2O again this week, hitting light Fox Farm nutes starting next week.

Afghan Kush Ryder Day 7:

La Diva Day 6:

Any thoughts, or feedback, always appreciated.
u may wanna wait another couple weeks til nutes begin..unless your soil has nothing in it. just a thought. :pop:
Whats up grow! (Checked your grow log. NICE!) Yeah, right now Im growing in a soil-less mix, so no nutes in the dirt, which is why at week 2, perhaps week three depending on how the ladies look, Im brining in nutes. Slow at first, but giving them something.
so you checked out my grow, huh? right now, everythings going smoothly, but for a while, due to my lack of knowledge about soil's ph, i was a bit on the stressed side...haha. ill be updating some pics in the next couple days or so, right now one of my akr's is just exploding with growth, its pretty awesome! im really tuned into your la diva, thats what im doing after harvest~ :thumbs:
Grow karma sent your way :wiz: may this grow be a great success. If
You have some spare time I had 1 auto in my 20 plant photo grow. It wAs La Diva and I harvested her last night. She was also one of 7 freebies I got on my last purchase from attitude. Some really nice pics and very frosty. You can get an idea of what you may end up with. She's an auto I haven't grown yet
So no smoke report yet but if you have any questions about her IDE be glad to help ya. :peace: SUB'D
great captain, do you have a link to those pics? not quite sure how to find them..i would absolutely love to see how she looks!
Just scooped your thread Captain. Man...WHAT A PLANT! I feel bad for considering her the "throwaway" of the two seeds I planted. Not only is she outgrowing the AKR, but your finished plant look nuts! Get that smoke report ready! How long did your La Diva take, soil to harvest?
The girls have been in soil now for about two weeks. Things are coming along well. The La Diva is far outgrowing the Afghan Kush Ryder at the moment. Although the AKR sprouted alot of growth one day out of nowhere.

AKR Day 14:


La Diva Day 13:


Started them each on a little bit of Fox Farm Grow Big this week.