New Grower 2budz “In over my head” grow

Found the 4th seed pretty easily. Wasn't even cracked. Dropped a Brother Mendel Special Reserve Cookies III in it's place. That plant was impressive in a 1 gallon pot so I'm curious to see what it'll do in a 5 gallon.

So I have:
2x (Dark Jedi x Grape Dosi Breath) x Double Grape
1x (Anvil F7 x Double Grape) x Double Grape
1x Special Reserve Cookies III

I was going to drop either a Double Grape or Double smile to keep the DG thing going but saw the SRC III and decided that was the one.

For reference, this was my SRC III in a 1 gallon pot...
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That's a nice wee chunky plant mate .:thumbsup:
She was indeed. Only regret is harvesting her to soon. She went over 100 days when I chopped her and still had a few weeks to go.
Oof that's too long for me :rofl: but still a nice wee plant.
Look forward to the grow of the grape stuff. :eyebrows:
I had to dig a crater but I found her. I didn’t bury her that deep so idk how she ended up deeper than I dropped her. Either way she’s coming now.
After the nerves calm down the fun starts warping. Good luck monn.

im a week out from a work travel gig, and when I get back home, ill be dropping my own bean set(s) / pheno hunt / gear off of sorts…
I just harvest my last crop (like she cured and i can enjoy her medicinals) and she was my first photo (bombshell) and she was a bit of a slow starting and i ended up dubbing her a straight up Diva due to water needs n such.. so much to say, bitch be dank. And will get me through the next crop/hunt while i wait out the growing season..
The homies will probably get me the smoke report next time i run into them, and when they do I expect good things as we have similar tastes and Terps profile likes
Sawneys Nugz in Coco Loco
I feel pretty good about my cleaning job after my root aphid issue. Got some nematodes and a few other things to help keep bugs in check moving forward. I know bugs are part of the process, wasn’t prepared for the level of aphid infestation I had.

I finally got my hands on some of @Sawney_bean seeds so decided to give his Nugz a run. This round I will be using Coco Loco, a first for me. Not really sure if I should treat it as soil or Coco, any input is welcome. I’m just gonna kind of wing it lol. Beans were dropped this morning so gonna be a week or so til I have sprouts
