South Syder
Quack Master!
Y'know, I've always had trouble getting those original White Moscow beans to pop and this time was no exception; one struggling to push up and right itself and the other done nuthin'!
So, I got me a strong little 24 Carat putting down roots and the second with its head decapitated (last time I try and get the seed husk off in the over-medicated state I was in.
Nuts! Now I gotta wet some more and go through the damned waiting all over again!
It's okay though, I'm keeping the faith, and tending the little gal I got...just gotta calm down some and stop behavin' like a total newb! Pics later....
:Woopsadaisy: :Grow & Show..:
Y'know, I've always had trouble getting those original White Moscow beans to pop and this time was no exception; one struggling to push up and right itself and the other done nuthin'!
So, I got me a strong little 24 Carat putting down roots and the second with its head decapitated (last time I try and get the seed husk off in the over-medicated state I was in.

It's okay though, I'm keeping the faith, and tending the little gal I got...just gotta calm down some and stop behavin' like a total newb! Pics later....
:Woopsadaisy: :Grow & Show..: