Outdoor 2019 mid Michigan Growtogrow outside

GtG I rolled a fat one and caught up on your thread tonight mate :d5:....what a fantastic grow you've had buddy great stuff [emoji106]....plenty of quality herb already in jars with a more to come by the looks of it mate :headbang:.....so much useful information on how to overcome problems for any outdoor grower in your thread mate it's a credit to you :toke:. What's been the favorite smoke so far? I bet you're looking forward to putting the trim scissors away for the season soon :rofl: fk I don't know how you guys trim so much herb:nono:
My favorite smoke you know what to tell you the truth I don't know I like them all and I've cured them in 3 or 4 different ways and I'm really leaning towards the sun cured but there's a time frame I think cuz I've got like different time frames that I've had Sun curing and I think like a two or three-day intense Sun cure and then a little bit of drying time on top of that. But still trying to figure that out. but the dragon blood has been really a yummy plant and so has the Blues and so has the mango and so as the wedding cake and etc etc etc they're all good as hell LOL
I don't really know I smoke them all every day all day I have a great big Christmas cookie tin that's got like falling buds in it ( the buds that fell from the trimming bag) and I just grab one and smoke it all the time me and my puppy Pal smoke weed all day long right now LoL[emoji12][emoji106]
Getting cool up there[emoji33]

The covering you made is a good thing for the weather.

But .. You may want to change to a clear plastic non UV protection. Or any clear. It will be better than what you have over her now.

Because the tarping that you have... I've used before in the same attempt to protect the plant from the wet.

But that tarp also blocks almost all UV rays and any sun light.

So it can promote PM and mold to grow more rapidly.
No UVA or B

This happen to my crop in 2017

Keep a close eye on your plant while it's covered.[emoji106][emoji482]

I had to drive 60 miles roundtrip to get some clear plastic. Cheaper than the stuff I had and larger sheeting so I didn't have to tape. Has been no sun since I put it up more than a few minutes at a time. Rain every day and big storms coming through tonight.

Was white spots on some of my leaves. Don't know if it is powdery mildew or just staining from me spraying every day with an H2O2 solution. Today after putting up the new sheeting just before rain started again, I did a heavy defoliation of fan leaves to get more airflow through the plant. I have extremely high humidity at all times. Nothing I can do about it, I live on an island surrounded by water. Going to spray the plant down with an apple cider vinegar solution tomorrow.
I had to drive 60 miles roundtrip to get some clear plastic. Cheaper than the stuff I had and larger sheeting so I didn't have to tape. Has been no sun since I put it up more than a few minutes at a time. Rain every day and big storms coming through tonight.

Was white spots on some of my leaves. Don't know if it is powdery mildew or just staining from me spraying every day with an H2O2 solution. Today after putting up the new sheeting just before rain started again, I did a heavy defoliation of fan leaves to get more airflow through the plant. I have extremely high humidity at all times. Nothing I can do about it, I live on an island surrounded by water. Going to spray the plant down with an apple cider vinegar solution tomorrow.
Send a pic of the spots.

I would think you are right. PM is here.
Send a pic of the spots.

I would think you are right. PM is here.

I tossed my camera last week when it malfunctioned. I use a Kindle to take pictures now which is inferior to an actual camera. I did a heavy defoliation though and have already cut off all fan leaves affected. So I can't get pictures anyway.

Pretty much looked like a faint white water spot looking place on low leaves. Hardly visible. Rained yesterday, today, supposed to rain Thursday and Friday. There has been no sun out for two or three days. The covering was off when I got around at noon. I was gone for two hours and it rained while I was gone. Looks like rain is going to happen next week, also.

I've got another auto ready to cut in my pole barn and another that will finish shortly. I just jarred up another one today that dried at 2 ounces.

It kicks my butt just having to trim buds from an auto, I dry them a few days on a rack in a smaller tent, then put them in paper bags for several days before jarring with a hygrometer and checking moisture levels.

I don't know how I would cut, dry and jar a big plant. Probably cut the best colas off first and take a few days to cut and trim it off the plant instead of cutting it all at once. I don't know how people handle harvesting numerous large photo plants.
I tossed my camera last week when it malfunctioned. I use a Kindle to take pictures now which is inferior to an actual camera. I did a heavy defoliation though and have already cut off all fan leaves affected. So I can't get pictures anyway.

Pretty much looked like a faint white water spot looking place on low leaves. Hardly visible. Rained yesterday, today, supposed to rain Thursday and Friday. There has been no sun out for two or three days. The covering was off when I got around at noon. I was gone for two hours and it rained while I was gone. Looks like rain is going to happen next week, also.

I've got another auto ready to cut in my pole barn and another that will finish shortly. I just jarred up another one today that dried at 2 ounces.

It kicks my butt just having to trim buds from an auto, I dry them a few days on a rack in a smaller tent, then put them in paper bags for several days before jarring with a hygrometer and checking moisture levels.

I don't know how I would cut, dry and jar a big plant. Probably cut the best colas off first and take a few days to cut and trim it off the plant instead of cutting it all at once. I don't know how people handle harvesting numerous large photo plants.
That's how I do it.
1st while the plant is still standing I'll spray wash with H202.
2nd take all the hand leaf's and large leaf's all off.
3rd Take 5 gallon bucket full of ripe tops at a time.
4th wash with H202.
5th hang on coat hangers.

Then I can do a few things.

Hang n dry , then jar or bag and cure.

Manicure the buds more clipp them from the branch and put them on a screen and Screen dry then jar or bag and cure.

Hang and sun dry 3 days then bag or jar

Water cure. 5 or 7 day water soak then dry and jar.

There are more ways.
I've done a few other's.

So doing it like this take a bit of time. That will give the lowers some ripping time. If you take long enough you'll pull some good yield numders of more quality flower.
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I tossed my camera last week when it malfunctioned. I use a Kindle to take pictures now which is inferior to an actual camera. I did a heavy defoliation though and have already cut off all fan leaves affected. So I can't get pictures anyway.

Pretty much looked like a faint white water spot looking place on low leaves. Hardly visible. Rained yesterday, today, supposed to rain Thursday and Friday. There has been no sun out for two or three days. The covering was off when I got around at noon. I was gone for two hours and it rained while I was gone. Looks like rain is going to happen next week, also.

I've got another auto ready to cut in my pole barn and another that will finish shortly. I just jarred up another one today that dried at 2 ounces.

It kicks my butt just having to trim buds from an auto, I dry them a few days on a rack in a smaller tent, then put them in paper bags for several days before jarring with a hygrometer and checking moisture levels.

I don't know how I would cut, dry and jar a big plant. Probably cut the best colas off first and take a few days to cut and trim it off the plant instead of cutting it all at once. I don't know how people handle harvesting numerous large photo plants.
Just watch the white spots. Those are what the PM will look like if it gets to your plant.
Trimming the plant like you have is a good thing. Did you fine any white spots or PM on the trimmings?
Defolarization it's probably one of the best things you can do for a flowering cannabis plant to create better flower and boost resin production. Taking all the unnecessary Bud sites off that are close to the stock and the first two or three bud sites on a branch. remove all of those they're useless.. unless you're making concentrates...I throw them away. All the inner foliage removed. Now positive airflow will reduces the risk of moisture buildup and p.m.
pest infestations, and bud rot.
So many things it helps by keeping those....for lack of a better word.... junk leaves and buds sites off your plant.
You'll be a much happier cannabis farmer especially in the north territory like you are... it'll help you a lot combatting some of the stuff that you're going to run into between now and harvest. [emoji106][emoji482]
Looks like you were right that it is powdery mildew. Not affecting to half of plant yet.

Still rainy and cloudy today. As much as I can tell it is affecting branches that stick out from under the plastic cover that get wet from the constant rain. Pretty sure it is powdery mildew like you mentioned. I harvested another auto in my grow tent today and there are two more still in the tent. I found aphids on the stalk of one of them so I mixed up some concentrated Neem oil with some liquid soap according to directions and sprayed both plants still in the tent.

Then I went to the plant outside and cut all the branches on the lower half with small buds off and defoliated the large fan leaves off some more. I then sprayed the entire plant down with the Neem solution.Not sure if it will stop the spread. I don't think spraying with the H2O2 everyday has done much with the cool, cloudy, rainy weather the entire week. High today is in the low 50's and apparently low temperatures and high humidity is conducive to powdery mildew. Some people say to use a milk solution. I never have milk in my house usually but I might have to try it.

Wet weather will hopefully be done next week.

Next week, starting Sunday the sunny days are supposed to return and temperatures in the 80's again. I'm going to spray the entire plant down with a hose when the sun will be out next week, supposedly that will wash off spores and then spray with a weak apple cider vinegar solution to raise the ph.

This is about the worst leaf I found.

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Looks like you were right that it is powdery mildew. Not affecting to half of plant yet.

Still rainy and cloudy today. As much as I can tell it is affecting branches that stick out from under the plastic cover that get wet from the constant rain. Pretty sure it is powdery mildew like you mentioned. I harvested another auto in my grow tent today and there are two more still in the tent. I found aphids on the stalk of one of them so I mixed up some concentrated Neem oil with some liquid soap according to directions and sprayed both plants still in the tent.

Then I went to the plant outside and cut all the branches on the lower half with small buds off and defoliated the large fan leaves off some more. I then sprayed the entire plant down with the Neem solution.Not sure if it will stop the spread. I don't think spraying with the H2O2 everyday has done much with the cool, cloudy, rainy weather the entire week. High today is in the low 50's and apparently low temperatures and high humidity is conducive to powdery mildew. Some people say to use a milk solution. I never have milk in my house usually but I might have to try it.

Wet weather will hopefully be done next week.

Next week, starting Sunday the sunny days are supposed to return and temperatures in the 80's again. I'm going to spray the entire plant down with a hose when the sun will be out next week, supposedly that will wash off spores and then spray with a weak apple cider vinegar solution to raise the ph.

This is about the worst leaf I found.

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Yeah the h202 works when it's dry and you can wash it off and then spray with the neem right behind that or green cure or one of the other many good products are for fighting the powdery mildew.
Yes humidity coolness dampness that all promotes powdery mildew.

Spraying and neem was the right thing to do. It'll save you a lot of headaches.

When it stops raining take your h202 water mix instead of using your garden hose and spray your plant off with H202. that will wash the old neem off all the bugs off and along with any powdery mildew spores will be washed off as well.
Then mix some new lite neem spray up and then spray another application of the neem or green cure and you'll be pretty safe by that.
Just keep a good eye on it you're doing the right things those are the right steps that's what I would do.
Looks like you were right that it is powdery mildew. Not affecting to half of plant yet.

Still rainy and cloudy today. As much as I can tell it is affecting branches that stick out from under the plastic cover that get wet from the constant rain. Pretty sure it is powdery mildew like you mentioned. I harvested another auto in my grow tent today and there are two more still in the tent. I found aphids on the stalk of one of them so I mixed up some concentrated Neem oil with some liquid soap according to directions and sprayed both plants still in the tent.

Then I went to the plant outside and cut all the branches on the lower half with small buds off and defoliated the large fan leaves off some more. I then sprayed the entire plant down with the Neem solution.Not sure if it will stop the spread. I don't think spraying with the H2O2 everyday has done much with the cool, cloudy, rainy weather the entire week. High today is in the low 50's and apparently low temperatures and high humidity is conducive to powdery mildew. Some people say to use a milk solution. I never have milk in my house usually but I might have to try it.

Wet weather will hopefully be done next week.

Next week, starting Sunday the sunny days are supposed to return and temperatures in the 80's again. I'm going to spray the entire plant down with a hose when the sun will be out next week, supposedly that will wash off spores and then spray with a weak apple cider vinegar solution to raise the ph.

This is about the worst leaf I found.

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Oh yeah the milk... That works great milk is a great to use against powdery mildew.

But the only way it really works is it has to have sunlight or intense light because what that does it turns the milk into a antibacterial and it kills the fungus Among Us.

Go get some whole milk.
1/2 gallon milk to 1 1/2 gallons water.
Spray on the plant just after the sun comes up. Maybe just a little later after it comes up. You want the milk to dry on the plant and not dripp to the ground where it wont be any good to fight the PM.

So a good Sunny day is key to winning the battles against the powdery mildew when using milk.
I've sprayed it on in the middle of the day before never had any ill effects.
But I don't suggest doing it in the middle of the day.
But late morning is fine.
you can applicate it on and off as many times as you need it doesn't hurt nothing the only thing I can say about using the milk is it smells sour until it dries.[emoji12]

It can be washed off later with the hydrogen peroxide water mix.

Also I suggest that if you got a plant in the sun comes up to the East and sets to the West it's good to spray the plant in the morning and it's good to spray the plant again in the afternoon sometimes. It depends on how much shadowing you got from one side of the plant to the other and how much milk is still on the plant when you decide if you're going to spray again or not. [emoji106]
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Thank you for all the advice. No sun again today. Rain and 63 degrees.

I plucked a few lower leaves off today and found some powdery mildew on the lower stalk so I saturated the stalk with Neem. Sunday and sunny warm weather can't get here soon enough. Sure know Fall is here already. Trees are already turning down near Gaylord. I will likely uncover the plant once no more rain is in the forecast and let the plant get the full effect of the sun next week so it can finish up. By the 21st I usually have frost but it looks like warm weather is going to hold on. I have thick tarps I can cover the entire structure with at night.

I have never had any insects attack this plant outside other than a couple beetles I've picked off and a caterpillar or two before it started flowering.

The autoflowering plants I had outside never appeared to have aphids but after moving them into my grow tent a few plants had them after a week or so that I controlled with soapy water spray. Yesterday though, one in the tent was covered with them on the stalk of a gorilla glue auto that has a week or two to go. I mixed up and sprayed both plants in the tent with Neem even though only one had aphids. Looked this morning and didn't see any alive.
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