I have looked at Sir. Herbal's work as a micro grower and I've totally been influenced/re-inspired by his methods. I always had a fascination for the way you can train a willow tree (or any other tree but it's easier with the willows) to the point where one can make furniture and sculptural shapes AS it grows. Again having patients and dedication is crucial! ... but really , we need that kind of experiences and attitude towards all growing/living things.
In my previous grow I've been experimental and Stressed an Auto twice (4th nod and then each 2nd nod) and then applied the Low Stress Technique (I'm not sure what the technique is called but instead of cutting, you PRESS the leaves together - creating a thin paint brush shape - The energy goes into the sides BUT the tops recover and form multiple tops) ... which IS NOT recommended by experienced growers!!! DO NOT FOLLOW MY ADVISE UNLESS YOU'RE EXPERIENCED.

In my previous grow I've been experimental and Stressed an Auto twice (4th nod and then each 2nd nod) and then applied the Low Stress Technique (I'm not sure what the technique is called but instead of cutting, you PRESS the leaves together - creating a thin paint brush shape - The energy goes into the sides BUT the tops recover and form multiple tops) ... which IS NOT recommended by experienced growers!!! DO NOT FOLLOW MY ADVISE UNLESS YOU'RE EXPERIENCED.