Live Stoner Chat 2013, 2nd year, 1st forum.

A question about tap water. There is fluoride (etc) in the water and i'm looking for the better option: A. Let the water stand for 24hrs to allow the fluoride to evaporate - B. Boil the water (and let it cool to room temperature). ?

I'm using this as my potting soil. I don't intend to feed it until week 4 or 5 . . . or should I?
This is a very handy little thingy ... I use it for misting and watering. It did help me greatly when my last grow had a spider mite infestation (2x daily sprayed closely and strongly and added salt.) one week before harvest! It could have been way worse.
DSC00010.jpgDSC00011.jpg ... There is a third (which is the better one) but ummm ... i forgot to take a pic for some reason. But I will take pics again tomorrow anyway. I'm keeping a close eye on them because they are really starting to grow fast. and they are leaving a pleasant little smell :dance:
Ofcourse if any one hears the results from a StarRyder ... i 'm trying to find out how tall i can expect them to be, i'm aware that using just a 125w CFL will make them taller then the expectations.
Peace and lalala ♫
welcome Bman.
plants are looking good :gthumb:

late but better late than never.


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