Outdoor 2012 Washington State AF Guerilla Grow



I'm currently planning my first grow and hoping for some advice. I will be buying all feminized seeds from attitude pick n mix in april. I plan to germinate 1 Short Stuff Russian Rocket Fuel, 1 Barney's Pineapple Express and 1 Short Stuff HBD or Dr. Feelgood (if its available in pick n mix by then) by April 10th and move them outside 2 weeks after they sprout. Nutes will be from General Hydroponics GO Box and soil will be my own homemade compost. ADVICE AND TIPS ARE MUCH NEEDED!

One Love Everyone :peace: :toke:
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How cold can it get at night without stunting the plants?
When should i start feeding Nutes?
What size pots should i grow in for maximum yields?
How often should i check my plants? daily or weekly?

Last year i had no clue what i was doing and germinated 8 bagseeds and non of them sprouted :crying:
Last year i had no clue what i was doing and germinated 8 bagseeds and non of them sprouted
Sadly, sense I've done this myself, I know what you're talking about. :D

Thai Buddha Man gave you just about the most sound advice you could receive. There is a wealth of information available here and you need to learn how to utilize it in case you ever get in a jam and need it right on the spot.

That being said, you'll find a very helpful group of people here and the vibe is comfortable. Let's see if I can give you a little jump-start...

How cold can it get at night without stunting the plants?

Unless a strain has been selected to thrive in lower temps, I wouldn't want my seedlings to be in less than 70f and certainly not less than 60f... To be honest though, I am not the best person to answer that question since my avg winter lows are in the 50f's.

FYI... The JEM line and the Dragon line were primarily grown outside during their development. Wiz can give you some very detailed info regarding these strains and outdoor conditions.

When should i start feeding Nutes?

I start feeding at sex.

What size pots should i grow in for maximum yields?

The bigger the pot, the better chance the plant has for maximum growth. IMO, with auto's, 3-5 gal. is plenty big enough... and you can go smaller with some of the more sophisticated mixes and techniques that can be found on the site.

How often should i check my plants? daily or weekly?
Once a day would be great if it doesn't get you locked up or your yield stolen. Seriously, it depends on the situation and the accessibility you have to the grow area. If people can see you entering and leaving, that is not a good thing. If your grow area is close to you, and it's unlikely you'll be seen entering and leaving, once a week (or twice) would be the ticket, IMO.

BTW, Muddy and I are the mods for the New Growers forum and we're always happy to help, as are all the mods and members. It's a good place to hang out or do a grow log when you're first getting started since there are people assigned specifically to help new growers. Come hang out with us sometime. :peace:
thanks for the help guys ill be in that thread a lot. :howdy: i hope my 2 week old plants will be able to survive 45-50 degree lows for the first couple weeks :cuss:
TBM, sadly i cant download the guide because i have a mac :crying:
yes. i could also start them a little bit later so they could have a better chance. maybe germinate them in lat april and move them outside by the middle of may.
So I found my grow location today. its a vacant christmas tree farm about 10 minutes from my house. I went "hiking/ nature photographing" there today and took some pictures. There is a pond with a creek at the spot and lots of cover.
This is the area. I wanna know what you think of the spot. I have a couple back-up spots, but this one gets the most light and has water with easy access.
