Outdoor 2011 greenhouse grow



hi all,

Thought I would never again do a grow journal, but the atmosphere here is so cosy that I really feel like doing the effort. So much encouragement and response is always nice.

The last few days, with temps at 23-25°C continuously, temp in the greenhouse is reaching 30°C or more even with the door full open.

Still the 2 Auto Blueberries who are 30 days old and sexed yesterday, went like crazy:
wide spread out leaves, very sativa, contrary to the Auto White Widows that are still too small.

I also started germinating 2 fem Super Cali Haze, one sprouted within 24h, the other one still nothing.

All for now!
nice plants they are quite small for being 30 days old but its not that bad since they just stared flowering. hopefully you yield a lot of bud. i have some SCH also and they are weird. they are supposed to be super autos but they are the smallest of all my plants. and they flowered the earliest. ill be watching your thread and i wish you luck.
Wish i was outside by now.. I still have snow melting.

Look forward to updates mate!

Super Cali Haze sprouted - Auto White Widows sexing...

nice plants they are quite small for being 30 days old but its not that bad since they just stared flowering.
They really started jumping now, but didn't grow in ideal circumstances. Sprouted at 25°C indoors under CLF's, then outside with chilly wheater, now the heatwave + greenhouse effect. I'm already thrilled that both are females, couldn't have been both male too... AUTO BLUEBERRY at day 31
greenhouse01 002 ABB2.jpggreenhouse01 003 ABB1.jpg

i have some SCH also and they are weird. they are supposed to be super autos but they are the smallest of all my plants. and they flowered the earliest. ill be watching your thread and i wish you luck.
Well I germinated two SUPER CALI HAZE seeds and two days ago. One has now already been planted and has surfaced. Born on Easter day. But second is not germinating, so I put in another seed (which look completely different BTW). I got crazy when i saw the advertised yield and cross, but from reading around on the internet I know this strain is hardly stable. I think it would be cool if the breeder released it as regular seeds. Luckily I also ordered Onix.
Here's the sprouted SCH:
greenhouse01 008.jpg

I have about 6 younger Auto White Widows some of which are also sexing now: 3 about the same age; female - male - female (male is sure of course..)
greenhouse01 004 AWW.jpggreenhouse01 005 AWW M.jpggreenhouse01 007 AWW1.jpg
Balls shot:
greenhouse01 ABB balls.jpg

One Auto White Widow is a retard:
greenhouse01 009.jpg

here a larger view on my sanctuary:
My mistake, the Autobleuberries were both male -- stupid me. They sexed very very late: in day 35. While the Auto White Widow male sexed at day 25 or something.

About the Super Cali Haze: one plant has been planted, but I have two seeds which do not seem to germinate. I've now put them under 24/7 light in 23°C in coco pads.

Temperatures have been round 25°C the last week, almost like a pre-summer.
three males were removed from the greenhouse at the time of my last mail. A week or two ago, I decided to plant them in the garden in order to test run the soil. They are doing very good. Almost time for pollen harvest.

My camera is dead and I do have my iPhone but... whatever.

I have about 6 Auto White Widow females flowering now, they are between 31 and 50 days. As a matter of fact they are quite consistent and resisting the day temp 35°C and night of 8°C. Of the dozens of herbs and plants I've planted in my greenhouse, none seem to have a problem with that climate - if they germ at all.

I have 3 non-auto of about a month: White Widow (f), Pineapplegum (f) and one Danish Passion (r). I tried to germ a Chocolope, but it did nothing.

I ended up germing my remaing 3 Short Stuff Super Cali Haze seeds, and out of that only 1 additional seed sprouted, bringing the total to a very very measley 2/5. The first SCH is in her 24th day and started flowering today. Still this plant may still have three months to go. I am really dissapointed by the germination rate on this one.

So I also threw in 6 Short Stuff Onyx regular into germination - 4 cracked, but having doubt on whether the last on will sprout. If so, that would be 3/6 for regular seeds?? I got so many freebee seeds with my Short Stuff order, it's hard to complain, but then i would conclude they knew they were selling crap in advance.

By way of comparison and to check for myself whether I was losing it I also germinated 3 x Auto Quick One (F) by Royal Queen. They all cracked after 36h and could be planted simultaneously. It's not me... it's the seed.

So I am looking at harvest times
mid - end June on the Auto White Widow
early - mid July on the Quick One
end of July for the Onyx
beginning - mid August Super Cali Haze

or everything could be a bit later than expected... This was the big experiment, and i do find that autoflowers go a bit slower on the 15h light regime in early spring. But if you have a greenhouse, there is nothing preventing you from starting early.

sorry there are no pics

One tiny (above) and one smaller Auto White Widow were harvested. It was a mercy kill for both. Don't have no space limitations for now so just let them live.

Four other Auto White Widows will be cut soon, i.e. within the next two weeks. Another female was pollinated, had to place here outside of the greenhouse. Didn't have any rain for months, now it's starting. Hoping this won't wash out the pollen.

The Quick One are flowering just now, 3 Onyx and one more Super Cali Haze are a few weeks old. My other Super Cali Haze is one month and a half, i.e. not even halfway and developing from nice buds. It's over 1m25 already.

I'm germinating some Haze for a guerilla grow and more auto's: Lowryder2.:thumbs:
Man, what a beautiful mixed greenhouse.

The SCH looks like it's going to be a monster standing so tall already.

Where are the Auto Widow from? Just out of curiousity.. What do you think caused the stunting with the widow or do you think that was the pheno? I have an auto running and she's tiny but tons of budsites..

What'd you polly the widow with? The pollen should have set in before the rain washes it away. I've read it's best to hit the pollen with a light misting from a spray bottle after setting it though!

Any harvest you're looking forward to more so than the others? :p
I have 2 SCH plants going.Both are outside.So far I'm at a 50% germination with 1 seed left.First 1 sprouted 6th of April,2nd one sprouted 4 days later.First 1 seems to be spot on with advertised description while the second one stopped growing at about 4 days old.I thought the 2nd was going to die so I germed 2 more seeds with only 1 of those sprouting.I put the newest 1 in the same planter as as the one I wasn't thinking was going to make it.They both started growing.After almost 2 weeks of absolutely no growth the second 1 decided to kick in.So now I was stuck with 2 plants in 1 bucket.Then the newest one died leaving my original 2nd oldest growing by itself.Now my olsest 1 is looking great at close to 4.5 foot tall and full of buds while the second one is half that tall but only 4 days younger.Very unstable I'd say.But still looks to be great smoke.Good luck with yours.
I have 2 SCH plants going.Both are outside.So far I'm at a 50% germination with 1 seed left.First 1 sprouted 6th of April,2nd one sprouted 4 days later.First 1 seems to be spot on with advertised description while the second one stopped growing at about 4 days old.I thought the 2nd was going to die so I germed 2 more seeds with only 1 of those sprouting.I put the newest 1 in the same planter as as the one I wasn't thinking was going to make it.They both started growing.After almost 2 weeks of absolutely no growth the second 1 decided to kick in.So now I was stuck with 2 plants in 1 bucket.Then the newest one died leaving my original 2nd oldest growing by itself.Now my olsest 1 is looking great at close to 4.5 foot tall and full of buds while the second one is half that tall but only 4 days younger.Very unstable I'd say.But still looks to be great smoke.Good luck with yours.
Man, what a beautiful mixed greenhouse.
The SCH looks like it's going to be a monster standing so tall already.
Yeah, going great, but this Super Cali Haze is a frigging nerve wrecker: very expensive feminized seeds that get you 1/5 decent plants? Have a look at the Quick One from Royal Queen - all germed within 24h simultaneously and grew out together with limited differences. Totally different quality of seeds. If ShortStuff would a) lower the price or b) offer them as regular seeds I would consider buying again. Also the Onyx germed 3/6. I am planning to cross with some Onyx pollen try to get something going.
And yes, I have a lot of different plants and herbs besides cannabis. So everybody can see NOTHING grows like this plant does. Will keep all my trimmings and make my mother a anti rheumatism balm to convince her, good thing my girlfriend is so broadminded ;-)

Where are the Auto Widow from? Just out of curiousity.. What do you think caused the stunting with the widow or do you think that was the pheno? I have an auto running and she's tiny but tons of budsites..
:D I have a friend who is a breeder. Sometimes he sells me some weed from his seed plants: heaps of freebee decent weedseeds. When I go to his house and I roll a joint I find a handful of seeds sometimes. :toke:
Most of the plants are from tested seeds of his though. This Auto White Widow is new, I believe, and quite promising. Will write an extensive report on them when they are done, but they were rock solid in growth, dealing well with the quite high temps in the greenhouse at times (35°C vs 8°C at night etc). I really don't know what stunted the little one, but it might be the turf pot I used. Don't use that anymore.

What'd you polly the widow with? The pollen should have set in before the rain washes it away. I've read it's best to hit the pollen with a light misting from a spray bottle after setting it though!
Any harvest you're looking forward to more so than the others? :p
Just used a clean kid's paint brush. Heard about dusting and asked my friend, he doesn't do it. Pollinated on the 29th of May, we'll know more by the end of the week.

Yeah, looking forward to the first real harvest. Already cut one smalle AWW that showed 60% leave yellowing. When I lifted pot I found maggots!, also little black bugs in one bud. But the rest is clean and drying now.

Thanks for the comments!
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