Outdoor 2 x Jack 47 / 1 x Lowryder #1

Hello Friends-

Back with the weekly update. The Lowrider is coming along, but not super hopeful she will give me any real yield being fully outdoor. Lot's of gray rainy days here last week. On the other hand, the Jck 47's are doing great. Really budding up and making trichs. Getting sticky and smelly by the day. Should be another 3 weeks or so on these girls. Will start the flush around august 15th.
They are looking very fine to me, i like it how how the leaves are catching the sunlight!
Hello Again-

Small update. The wife and I are moving West soon (well, me first, then her shortly thereafter) so i had to give up the Lowryder to a neighbor. It just would not have finished for me before I leave end September (Road Trip! Hoo-ah!).

Here we are at day 49. Both the Jack 47's are doing swell. A little N tox on the taller girl but she seems sensitive. Took two old large fan leaves off of the taller girl as well today because it was shading the whole mid section.

Figure I have about another 20-25 days to go, so will start giving some Cha-ching next week, then start in on a flush. Hopefully get harvested 8/19-8/24 or so.
It all comes down to this....we NEED as many votes as possible in the outdoor contest. If we don't get a solid number of voters, then we will question the love for outdoor plants, and the need for a contest!!
So PLEASE stop by both of these threads, and put down your votes.
Auto Live Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-live-bud-voting-thread.61553/
Auto Dried Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-dry-bud-voting-thread.61554/
Votes will be limited to 3 per voter, and votes will be tallied up at the end and both the live and dried bud results will be added together to crown the outdoor auto champion.

Every voter that stops by and also puts down a coment on either of the voting threads, will receive maximum reputation from me as a thanks for helping to support out sun grow ladies.