2 weeks old big bud auto flower

Apr 10, 2020
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Hey guys newbie here. Im finally up and running and honestly it's been a lot of work and hats off to the the generation of growers and breeders alike who have paved the way for all of us to be here now and have made things I'd imagine alot simpler over the years I've been poking around these sites for awhile finally decide ld to join and ask a question. This is my first grow I'm not sure what to expect beside the unexpected lmao. Ive still got some gear I need to get but right now I am running an HO T5 growing in a decent soil mix with fox farm HF as base. Added alot of amendments and soil pH sitting around 6.7 but have had some spikes and some drops so I purchase a water pH meter to test the run off(coming this weekend) so not sure what actual pH is but will soon find out. Anyways that's a little background I'm sure I've left out perminent info but my main question is does this 12 day old look okay??
-she is my first born And a littler over protective lmao


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She looks pretty good. It's quite difficult to say definitively whether a seedling looks like a 12 day old or not. Too many variables at play. Just relax a bit and see where she takes you. Try not to get too handsy with her. That can be quite problematic with new growers. Also try not to compare your plant to others. Again, too many variables, especially from one grower to the next and their specific environment. It can be a lesson in futility. You don't need that type of frustration factor.

If you are using tap water, then you probably know to leave it out for 24 hours to shed chlorine etc.
Being in soil, let the pot dry well before watering/nutes. Get used to lifting one side of the pot with thumb and index finger. You will learn quick enough the weight difference and when to water. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply, I need to learn to LiTFA lol. I'm glad to hear she looks healthy. Thank you again
Just for comparison, these are mine at 12 days. I put golf balls in to show relative size...6055AEA4-FE91-4577-9FFA-3F304C895E12.jpeg003F82BA-6473-4961-8DBA-AB329BD5DFAC.jpeg75B93AFD-A0EA-4391-B52D-42766F6C31B5.jpeg
Mine are lot smaller , should be that size in a CPL days I would imagine.time will tell thanks for the photos
No problem, glad they helped...
She looks spot on for 12 days old M8.. she'll move a bit quicker from here on in.. first 2 weeks is always slow slow slow lol
Looking fine...keep ya ph in spec and the environment within parameters and ya babe will grow. I start all mine under T5HO till flower....all it takes is timely watering and lots of patience.
It sounds like you may be growing organically with living soil, but I am not sure. You mentioned amendments. Are those soil amendments? If so, you probably are going with a living organic soil (LOS) grow. If that’s the case, in my experience, you don’t have to worry about soil ph and such. And you don’t want to water until runoff. The key in LOS is the keep the microbes in the soil happy and healthy, and to do so, you need to maintain soil moisture. So less watering more frequently. If you plan to feed with bottled nutes, then yeah, you can let it dry in between feedings.
Hey guys newbie here. Im finally up and running and honestly it's been a lot of work and hats off to the the generation of growers and breeders alike who have paved the way for all of us to be here now and have made things I'd imagine alot simpler over the years I've been poking around these sites for awhile finally decide ld to join and ask a question. This is my first grow I'm not sure what to expect beside the unexpected lmao. Ive still got some gear I need to get but right now I am running an HO T5 growing in a decent soil mix with fox farm HF as base. Added alot of amendments and soil pH sitting around 6.7 but have had some spikes and some drops so I purchase a water pH meter to test the run off(coming this weekend) so not sure what actual pH is but will soon find out. Anyways that's a little background I'm sure I've left out perminent info but my main question is does this 12 day old look okay??View attachment 1177454-she is my first born And a littler over protective lmao

Welcome to da world little one. I see you are using FFHF soil. I used to use that outdoors. I would cut it with 40-50% perlite for good drainage. HF can hold a lot of water, so get used to the weight of your pot wet, and the weight of your pot dry. Or get a moisture meter. The inexpensive ones are ok for moisture, but not for ph. I water starting at just outside the leaves and go out from there. She really won't start drinking a lot until she starts to stretch, then she will be guzzling H20.

Good growing to ya

Here's the Candy Kush I have going now when she was 2 weeks old in a 3 gallon pot

day 14.JPG