Grow Mediums 2 vs 3 gallon pots

I seem to always make a mistake growing something the first time. 2nd time always better go. And it sounds like you've learned what to do to fix it? Maybejust go with the 3 gallon for now. Get some stuff dialed in then maybe try back at 2?
Yeah, I try to learn from my mistakes but there are so many ways to break stuff :biggrin: The worst about 3 gal is I spend a little more on nutes--but if I cut back on the formula, maybe not
The biggest difference is in the skill of the grower. With good genetics, a mid level grower can average an ounce a gallon.. So 3 oz in a 3 gal pot. An above average grower with good genetics can easily surpass an ounce per gallon. Smaller pots mean watering and feeding more often. Also keep in mind that you may be fitting two 3 gallon pots, or three 2 gallon pots in your space while they are empty. But will that be the same case when you consider 2 or 3 plants in full flower?
With me it all depends on how you train your plants.

This is just half my closet. 1 3 gallon, 1 2.5 gallon, 1 1gallon and 1 24 oz cup. How you train them will determined how much you get back. I train the Sweet Nurse and the BlackBerry but not the others.
With the luck I seem to be having with seeds these days, I'm gonna start buyin 5 packs withe the hope of getting 3 good ones. If I get more- I'll adjust size of pots and style of trainin