New Grower 2 strain Mephisto CMH 40"x40" tent

Looks like you have some nitrogen toxicity by the leaf tips clawing and the very dark green leaves. Too much nitrogen so you could probably back off a bit but keep in mind that you’ll also be backing off on the other nutes as well.
Looks like you have some nitrogen toxicity by the leaf tips clawing and the very dark green leaves. Too much nitrogen so you could probably back off a bit but keep in mind that you’ll also be backing off on the other nutes as well.

I started a thread over in the infermory.

N toxicity seems to be the common opinion.
I’ll barely use any of the Uprising Foundation next watering while still making sure to use the Cal-Mag.
I’ve also got a tiny little heater that I’m going to be setting up to bring my temps back up to the upper 70s.
Things seems to be chugging along here.
SODK and Ghost Toof [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] are on day 46 and have started to get sparkly up top! Ghost toof [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] isn't there yet, but is 10 days behind.
I haven't had a lot of new issues with the leafs since I backed off on the Uprising Foundation. But I still feel I need to up the amount of cal-mag I'm giving. Especially for the SODK.
I've only been giving 1ml of cal-mag per gallon, and each plant gets just under a gallon per water . I think I'll double it.
The next watering I'm going to start using some of the Roots Seabird Guano as well. Anyone ever used this stuff during flowering?
Thanks all!
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1ml/G Calmag is only 1/4ml per L. That’s not much Calmag for these plants at their age and they’re getting into flower so they need lots. I’d definitely up the Calmag before you show deficiency. I don’t know what Calmag is in your amendments but if you’re not adding it through another source then you’re going to have to start.
Plants are looking great! I’ve got some SODK seeds I’d like to run. I finished my first 4AM and tried it before full cure. The plant smelled so good and in the jar it is an amazing aroma of fruit and fuel/chemical. The smoke is smooth and tasty too.
Things are getting exciting in the tent! Day 67 on the oldest plants. I'll post some shots of the whole tent when I'm in there later tonight.
I took these last night when I was watering...
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Lots of yellow and crispy/dead leaves on these older ladies. But I have had nute and lock-out issues so I can't be surprised!
I haven't really removed any dead leaves, I'm really just letting them go on their own this being my first grow! I did ponytail as they were sexing/pre-flower and I plan to do the same for the 2 young 4 assed monkeys I've got going too...
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Day 71
I'm not seeing any amber trichomes yet, but even some of the sugar leaves are starting to wilt and shrivel up!
Should I be worried about that—and start harvesting those sections?
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