Indoor 2 Liter Soda/Pop Bottle Fun Grow 2018

Not late have till Friday to have all updates in but I like to give everyone a heads up so they don't get missed.
Working on it. Might have a mold issue that will wipe me out before harvest, so might have to drop out. It’s the biggest problem we have here trying to grow outdoors. I’ve moved her and her sisters inside into a breeding tent that has plenty of ventilation trying to stop its progression. Would suck to lose these babies to mold. Might have to pull out the h2o2 and give them a bath before trimming.

Here she is sir...
Billy Jean
Might give her another day..

Plus freshly harvested Ginger Punch

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Thanks for your kind words
But like I've been saying not quite on some of y'alls level... but I think I can get close..
Honestly quite surprised by my pull sometimes.... cheap lights ... but I'm saving and some addition lights will be purchased in the future..very near future at that...
What a wonderful competition
And such wonderful growers
Truly blessed to be here
Learning and growing

Btw if you haven't grown it
Ginger Punch s aka the Hobbit
I think kannabia's seed
The smell is so amazing .. like it fizzle in ur nose... I really dont care how it smokes
I wanna grow more just to smell it

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