Indoor 2 Liter Soda/Pop Bottle Fun Grow 2018

Can I ask what 10th prize is again? When my girl started flowering , I was imagining myself drinking out of that first place mug. Now I've seen the competition, I'm hoping to lick the coffee jar.

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Can I ask what 10th prize is again? When my girl started flowering , I was imagining myself drinking out of that first place mug. Now I've seen the competition, I'm hoping to lick the coffee jar.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Yeah...I realized that, once I started having problems, my amateur skills were no match for the high caliber talent in the competition. Of course, though I was never going to be on the winner’s platform.
So, I’ve been trying to figure out what the heck has been going on with my special 2-liter lady.

Her leaves were showing both deficiency and toxicity for multiple nutrients simultaneously. The edges of her leaves were crispy. There were rust colored spots. Stems were purple. Some leaves were dark green and other lime green. Some leaves - both old and new - showed Intervenal chlorosis. Leaves were dying. This happened for both for Advanced Nutrients and Greenleaf Nutrients. But it was regardless of nutrient line. And it was regardless of the amount I was feeding. I started the Mega Crop at 3 grams/gallon mid-flower. I slowly upped it to 5 grams/gallon. I’m currently at 6 grams/gallon and it still looks like all kinds of deficiencies and burns are going on. So it wasn’t the nutrients.

The temperature has been around 76° F.

The relative humidity in my tent has been around 62%.

My nutes were pH 5.8 to 6.0.

I’m using distilled water.

I’m growing hempy bucket style. I’ve flushed with plain water a couple of times to try to remove any possible salt buildup.

I’ve got no pests in my apartment.

There’s only one more thing that I can think of and that’s my light. I’ve got an HLG 135w 4000K light. It’s currently at 30 inches (76 cm) from the top of my canopy. But it’s a hella bright light. So, my question: Can a light that is too intense cause a plant to show deficiency and toxicity simultaneously? Is there such a thing as too much light - even if it’s a safe distance away? I just dimmed my light to run a test...but I wanted to ask...has anyone ever heard of this?

Thanks in advance.
HLG that is Quantum lighting I was having the same issues and still a bit. I raised them as high as I can it seems to be doing the trick They are and intense light.
HLG that is Quantum lighting I was having the same issues and still a bit. I raised them as high as I can it seems to be doing the trick They are and intense light.

The funny thing is, I’ve seen LEDGardener’s PAR charts for it and at 24” it’s supposed to be barely adequate lighting at full power. 30 inches at full power absolutely fried fan leaves.
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Yeah...I realized that, once I started having problems, my amateur skills were no match for the high caliber talent in the competition. Of course, though I was never going to be on the winner’s platform.
This has been the best comp as far as the fun factor goes. Man there is some well grown plants.
The funny thing is, I’ve seen LED Gardener’s PAR charts for it and at 24” it’s supposed to be barely adequate lighting at full power. 30 inches at full power absolutely fried fan leaves.
From what I see they defy logic IAM on my third round with them they are wicked bright.