They look pretty good to me! Any chance the slight tip burn may be nutrient related? I'd definitely back off the lights a bit but it looks like she wasn't showing any of that a few days ago when you added your last topdressing? Are you watering from the top at all with the topdressing? Maybe some leaching into your res water? I don't know anything about this stuff lol but its just curious that she looked perfect on day 20 and that's the same day you top dressed, ya know?
First time I noticed the first yellow tip was day 17 which was also the highest leaf.
Last few days they have been a little more hidden after I have done some lst so not as noticeable when I take the pic.
Raised the lights a little more earlier today.
Gave the top dress a very light watering on day 20 as I had just filled the rez a few hours earlier.
So hopefully just a little stress.
Thanks for noticing that though.