New Grower 2 Earthbox jr in a 2x2 with Amnesia & Mephisto CDLC

Today we have the arrival of CDLC.
Nice to now have 2 earthboxs in action.

The auto amnesia from msnl is now starting Day 5 .
Day 3 top watered 500ml.
Tomorrow she will get another 500ml.

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If you haven't watched Jeremy of BAS 10x10 series, go and watch the beginning. He has some great points on running EarthBoxes.
I've been transplanting at 7 days from a little planter and start adding SOME water to the rez at 14 days. You don't want to fill it up yet. I don't want the water to sit more that 72hrs in the rez. You want a dry period in the rez before you add water. Once I see the rez dry, I add water the next day.

The biggest thing is keeping nutes out of the rez. Limited filling in the beginning limits the time of the water sitting in the rez and the possibility of things going bad quickly. By keeping the nutes of of the rez, the plant nute uptake is NOT being driven by VPD, as it would be in a regular pot. The roots develop into two systems where one mainly takes up nutes and the other mainly takes up water.
I run humic acid in the water all the time and activated EM1 at least once a week. Both help with the rez health and production. It's not required, but it does help keep the rez from flipping pH from nutes going bad in the rez.
In Jrs, I think it's easier to get nuts washed into the rez than the regular size if you use some liquid nutes. I have KNF nutes I use, so I had to figure a way to add it without washing it into the rez, I make a compost slurry with my liquid nutes and apply to the top. If you're not using any liquid nutes or compost tea, disregard this tip.

With the 3.0, I'd say some good quality compost, and BAS Build a flower will take you to the end nicely.

I really like my EB regulars! With the right girls, two regular EBs will fill a 4x4. I'm thinking of getting a Jr and see how well I can use KNF with it. It will be a bit more difficult to keep the nutes outta the rez with the shallower media. Jrs do seem a bit faster to mature, with a bit smaller girl.
Good luck on the grow man!
If you haven't watched Jeremy of BAS 10x10 series, go and watch the beginning. He has some great points on running EarthBoxes.
I've been transplanting at 7 days from a little planter and start adding SOME water to the rez at 14 days. You don't want to fill it up yet. I don't want the water to sit more that 72hrs in the rez. You want a dry period in the rez before you add water. Once I see the rez dry, I add water the next day.

The biggest thing is keeping nutes out of the rez. Limited filling in the beginning limits the time of the water sitting in the rez and the possibility of things going bad quickly. By keeping the nutes of of the rez, the plant nute uptake is NOT being driven by VPD, as it would be in a regular pot. The roots develop into two systems where one mainly takes up nutes and the other mainly takes up water.
I run humic acid in the water all the time and activated EM1 at least once a week. Both help with the rez health and production. It's not required, but it does help keep the rez from flipping pH from nutes going bad in the rez.
In Jrs, I think it's easier to get nuts washed into the rez than the regular size if you use some liquid nutes. I have KNF nutes I use, so I had to figure a way to add it without washing it into the rez, I make a compost slurry with my liquid nutes and apply to the top. If you're not using any liquid nutes or compost tea, disregard this tip.

With the 3.0, I'd say some good quality compost, and BAS Build a flower will take you to the end nicely.

I really like my EB regulars! With the right girls, two regular EBs will fill a 4x4. I'm thinking of getting a Jr and see how well I can use KNF with it. It will be a bit more difficult to keep the nutes outta the rez with the shallower media. Jrs do seem a bit faster to mature, with a bit smaller girl.
Good luck on the grow man!
Thanks for dropping by Bill,and thanks for the input.

I have watched all the 10x10 series.
I actually recorded them and then edited it to a 30min earthbox Episode of the whole season for easier reference.

I was planning on filling the res at around Day 14 or when the 3rd or 4th node appeared.

I bought some buildaflower,buildabloom,Craft blend and some Kashi blend.
Was going to get some red wigglers when I fill the res .

Will also buy some worm castings to make some tea and use to top dress.

Not sure if this would be overkill for an auto or not.
Thanks for dropping by Bill,and thanks for the input.

I have watched all the 10x10 series.
I actually recorded them and then edited it to a 30min earthbox Episode of the whole season for easier reference.

I was planning on filling the res at around Day 14 or when the 3rd or 4th node appeared.

I bought some buildaflower,buildabloom,Craft blend and some Kashi blend.
Was going to get some red wigglers when I fill the res .

Will also buy some worm castings to make some tea and use to top dress.

Not sure if this would be overkill for an auto or not.
Excellent that you've watched the series. It's great info!

Get some quality compost if you don't have some of your own. You'll need some to feed the plant and worms. Keep an eye out for avacado specials at the store. Cut in half and set on top for the worms. They will have a feeding and sex orgy.

Be careful with the compost teas. They can wash nutes into the rez. When I want to add any liquid of any sort to the top media, I do it on the day after the rez goes dry and add slowly and sparingly. You can use this time to add your compost at the same time to add more compost tea or whatever liquid you're adding.
That 3.0 will work well in the EBs, but they are Jrs and have less media to bank the nutes. You will have to amend more often than what Jeremy shows on the series in the same media. He's running the regulars with more media to bank the nutes. If I were running Jrs in that media, I would get your worms and the compost established once you start adding water to the rez. Add your worms, mound up some compost in the center and your bokashi on that. That's mainly for the worms, but you are adding to that bank. This gets your feeding structure/bank established. Like Jeremy has said a few times essentially, the plant tells me how well the amending is working is by the root progress thru your compost topdressings. I might topdress more than some, but I want to be ahead of the demand for nutes. It's almost impossible to catch up if you get behind organically. Yeah, there are some things you can do to help if you get behind, but that does slow the development and eventual harvest. I like to NOT see roots at the top on an Earthbox. I want to be able to lightly brush off my compost and find the tiny exploratory roots a 1/8th-1/4 inch down.
You're gonna have to play it by ear on the buildaflower,buildabloom,Craft blend. I have the craft blend that I've used to re-amend after a grow and during. I used at half rate, but I was using other nutes also. The buildaflower,buildabloom seems redundant to me. I think if you review Jeremy's vids, I think you'll have to topdress more often than he did in the regular EBs. I didn't pay attention to that part with my program being different. Biggest thing is to bank up for flower, that's where most will have problems.
I might play with Jrs some day. Looks like I could manage 4 in a 4x4 easily.
Excellent that you've watched the series. It's great info!

Get some quality compost if you don't have some of your own. You'll need some to feed the plant and worms. Keep an eye out for avacado specials at the store. Cut in half and set on top for the worms. They will have a feeding and sex orgy.

Be careful with the compost teas. They can wash nutes into the rez. When I want to add any liquid of any sort to the top media, I do it on the day after the rez goes dry and add slowly and sparingly. You can use this time to add your compost at the same time to add more compost tea or whatever liquid you're adding.
That 3.0 will work well in the EBs, but they are Jrs and have less media to bank the nutes. You will have to amend more often than what Jeremy shows on the series in the same media. He's running the regulars with more media to bank the nutes. If I were running Jrs in that media, I would get your worms and the compost established once you start adding water to the rez. Add your worms, mound up some compost in the center and your bokashi on that. That's mainly for the worms, but you are adding to that bank. This gets your feeding structure/bank established. Like Jeremy has said a few times essentially, the plant tells me how well the amending is working is by the root progress thru your compost topdressings. I might topdress more than some, but I want to be ahead of the demand for nutes. It's almost impossible to catch up if you get behind organically. Yeah, there are some things you can do to help if you get behind, but that does slow the development and eventual harvest. I like to NOT see roots at the top on an Earthbox. I want to be able to lightly brush off my compost and find the tiny exploratory roots a 1/8th-1/4 inch down.
You're gonna have to play it by ear on the buildaflower,buildabloom,Craft blend. I have the craft blend that I've used to re-amend after a grow and during. I used at half rate, but I was using other nutes also. The buildaflower,buildabloom seems redundant to me. I think if you review Jeremy's vids, I think you'll have to topdress more often than he did in the regular EBs. I didn't pay attention to that part with my program being different. Biggest thing is to bank up for flower, that's where most will have problems.
I might play with Jrs some day. Looks like I could manage 4 in a 4x4 easily.
Alot of good info there,thanks.
We always have avocado in the house,so I will make sure to treat the worms.
Down here regular size are like $1.77 and large are around 2 some.. but the place to get the best avocados is at the Mexican tortilleria store for 3 dollars they huge and tasty. oh and Mexican doritos uffff the best..