New Grower 2 Earthbox jr in a 2x2 with Amnesia & Mephisto CDLC


Cultivators Club
Jan 8, 2021
Reaction score
The temps are cooling down this weekend,so now the grow in the storage room can begin.

Starting with Amnesia,which I did earlier this year for my first grow.Still smoking it and hoping to add to the reserves.
Using buildasoil 3.0 in a earthbox jr.

Started soaking the seed tonight.

I have some cdlc seeds coming over the weekend,and ordered another earthbox jr today.
So hopefully I can pop that seed next week.

I planned on only doing the 1 earthbox,as I only had enough 3.0 for 1 .
But I also have some ocean forest left over and I think I can fill an earthbox with both my leftovers of 3.0 and ocean forest.
Will I regret this mix?

Feels good to be back setting the tent back up soaking a bean,and wondering what will become of this grow.
Decided to soak the seed for 23 hours and then plant directly to soil.
Last time I soaked and then paper towel and then plant.

Germination was slightly quicker planting directly after 23 hour soak.
Think I will continue this method and eliminate any chance of harming the taproot.


Ts 1000 is set to 50% at 26cm.

Also received my cdlc in the mail today.


Hoping to soak bean tonight,but FedEx may be late with delivery of the other earthbox jr.

Good to be back in grow mode again.
Wooo let's goooo :headbang: :pop::pop::pop: off to a nice start:smoking:
I have 1 jr and want to add some more n regular sized too..
Wooo let's goooo :headbang: :pop::pop::pop: off to a nice start:smoking:
I have 1 jr and want to add some more n regular sized too..
Thanks mate,feels like my first grow trying the earthbox and bas products.

Main concern is when to fill reservoir.
I'm thinking around day 14 like when I watered the fabric pot with 1 liter at day 14.
Thanks mate,feels like my first grow trying the earthbox and bas products.

Main concern is when to fill reservoir.
I'm thinking around day 14 like when I watered the fabric pot with 1 liter at day 14.

I'm on my 3rd cycle with the soil in it right now and I still don't really know exactly on what day I start filling the rez. I usually just take in consideration the size of the plant and go based on that and fill her up.. Its weird maybe but I go based of the vibes I'm getting same as with when I top dress or reammend soil :rofl: :baked: it's been working good for me.

Good luck gonna be checking this grow out.:vibes::goodluck:
The 2nd earthbox arrived today.Soaked the cdlc 24h and straight into the earthbox.
Also another nice surprise I was able to fill it with the remaining bas 3.0.
So a cubic foot of bas will fill 2 Jr's.
This one is actually filled with a little more soil than the other.


Amnesia doing OK so far
Next job was to set up the humidifier.
Last night used some wet towels to at least get Humidity up over 50%.
Had just enough room to fit in a jug to catch the drips from the hose.

Inkbird plus reptile fogger stays outside the tent with hose running inside.
Must be elevated.

Humidity now set between 70-75% with vpd now in range.