New Grower 1st vogaye - 1xbrrybmb 1xthcbmb 2xsensi super skunk

FFS, I had it at 5.7, left it for ten checked and it was at 4.4, stirred it around whilst the pen was submerged and it slowly creeps back up to 5.4??

I had the e.c at 0, now its at 0.14 because of all of the shitting pH up/down

Okay dude, what you've just sounds like it makes sense.

What concentration shall I go for? The notes I have are as follows: Coco a+b, sense calmag, pk boost, hydro bloom,hydro grow, rhizotonic....
Think I should go for a+b, mate? I've heard an e.c of 200 is good for this early on.

I've got 25L of RO (soon to be normal water lol) water sat here.... how much notes would you recommend?

I was planning on just running through phd ro water through them to lower the run off but this is seemingly fucking impossible to stabilise it
Leave it an hour and recheck, then leave it another hour. While you're waiting have a search about the ro. If it's still fucking around, a really, really light a & b and see if it stabilised.
Leave it an hour and recheck, then leave it another hour. While you're waiting have a search about the ro. If it's still fucking around, a really, really light a & b and see if it stabilised.
Okay nice one boss
When you drop a nats cock worth of ph up/down in to your water mix and it acts as if you've slung the whole bottle in
Mate. I use a syringe for the ph down. I've got it down pat for my system. 10 L of water, 20ml each cana a&b and 1.5ml of ph down. My tap water varies from 7.4 to 8.1. Sometimes chalk comes out the tap!

If I'm honest, i,d suggest leave the ro alone until you can control tap water. If you were growing medically for a compromised immune system, it's worth the effort. If you just wanna get high, tap water and chemicals.
I hear ya. I'm gunna persevere with the RO for the moment, in mean time I'm gunna buy a pipette/ syringe and a new pH pen as I'm seriously about ready to smash this yellow piece of dog shit against a wall
I do want the medicinal/yield ratio to be high as possible really, once I know all of the concoction amounts like you I should be fine. Testing times at the moment,pun intended.

It's sitting at 5.4-5.5 atm, I'll see white's saying in an hour or so
Ro water has no natural ph buffers thatd why it can swing so crazy. Try putting some calmag into your ro water before anything else. Should help it stabilise.... i think lol
Ro water has no natural ph buffers thatd why it can swing so crazy. Try putting some calmag into your ro water before anything else. Should help it stabilise.... i think lol

Thanks man. I literally just read that somewhere too, I was stupid not to have a read up before on the subject.

Before I went out earlier I gave the girls a litre of what I believed was 5.5 (lol) in an aid to improve the run off, came back a few hours later pH tested the bucket and it was down to 3.3, it then started jumping up and down like mad, came back 3 mins later and it was stationary around 5.4, then it went again so I added 20 ml of a+b, then a drip of cal-mag (did this the wrong way) to the 25 L and its now sat there laughing at me. Pretty sure my pH pen is knackered which is a blow, although I do have a crappy test kit. Huzzah.

My friend is going to bring around some more water tomorrow, starting to feel out of my depth lol
I need a snazzy pH pen, not one of these factory splodge things