New Grower 1st vogaye - 1xbrrybmb 1xthcbmb 2xsensi super skunk

Thanks man. I literally just read that somewhere too, I was stupid not to have a read up before on the subject.

Before I went out earlier I gave the girls a litre of what I believed was 5.5 (lol) in an aid to improve the run off, came back a few hours later pH tested the bucket and it was down to 3.3, it then started jumping up and down like mad, came back 3 mins later and it was stationary around 5.4, then it went again so I added 20 ml of a+b, then a drip of cal-mag (did this the wrong way) to the 25 L and its now sat there laughing at me. Pretty sure my pH pen is knackered which is a blow, although I do have a crappy test kit. Huzzah.

My friend is going to bring around some more water tomorrow, starting to feel out of my depth lol

I should have reread about it before offering advice!

You're not out of your depth, you may be setting yourself some hard goals.

Ro is a pain to work with, half of what the membrane filters out you have to put back in!

I'm a lazy bastard, that's why I swerved it!
Not at all mate, I shouldn't of been so bone idle.

Once I figure out the exact ml of ph ^/down to add to the calmg and coco a+b it'll gradually become easier, but its tricky atm having a shit pen. Plus the fact I'm pretty clueless howI should be feeding them at the mo (x2 day 8 /2x day 5ish).

When I added the coco/calmag i was hoping for a 200 ppm, but I lost concentration and over concentrated the mix, the ppm is at about 450 with the notes added now, gunna wait for a few hours then retest them again. Is this slightly too high for their age? What do you guys think @Itisi @sanguine
my friend is gunna drop a syringe around tomorrow, so I'll be more methodical from now
I only grew in coco once- although it turned out well! I was feeding about 400ppm at day 6 and they told me it was strong for that age but my plant didnt seem to mind at all.
Plus 1 on the blue lab mate. Its expensive but worth it in my opinion- the combo metre is very handy. Ph/ec/ppm and temperature all in 1
I've never touched coco so I won't give any specific advise.

I've got an ec pen, I've used it twice. I have a hot tub and one of the contracts I work on at work is leisure centres, I look after 6 pools . My 6 quid ph pen has proved itself time and again as good as the 6 grand monitoring system these places have. Test equipment is as good as your care of it.

When I grew in rock wool I checked the ph twice I think, in about 7 years! I live in a hard water area, I used a hard water nute, job done. There's was a and b, no calmag, no silicon, no boosters.

You could spend hours chasing the ph ip and down.

What I think I'm trying to say is, this can be as easy or as hard as you make it. You're doing great, asking,researching, seeking knowledge. But if you change lots at once, how do you know what's worked?

But as far as feeding, I start at 1/4 the recommended strength (by the manufacturer) and build up slowly till they start to show sins of overfeeding,then back off a bit.

I hear you mate. I think I'm going to have to stick with the cheapie pH pens for the moment as I'm quite low on dosh at the mo.

I've only just realised through looking at high end pens that you're supposed to keep the electrode/diode thingy submerged in liquid at all times to stop it form drying out. Cant help but think mine would be in better condition had I done this from the start.

Thanks man, I've been doing a fraction of the manufacturers instructions, I'm just gunna slowly raise the ppm each time I get a water changed.

I'll post some update pics in a bit, need to have a good catch up on everyone elses grows first
I hear you mate. I think I'm going to have to stick with the cheapie pH pens for the moment as I'm quite low on dosh at the mo.

I've only just realised through looking at high end pens that you're supposed to keep the electrode/diode thingy submerged in liquid at all times to stop it form drying out. Cant help but think mine would be in better condition had I done this from the start.

Thanks man, I've been doing a fraction of the manufacturers instructions, I'm just gunna slowly raise the ppm each time I get a water changed.

I'll post some update pics in a bit, need to have a good catch up on everyone elses grows first

Yeah mate, with the hanna ones, rinse it, fill the cap with your ro water and stick it on. It will hardly ever drift out of calibration. Just check it regularly.

Looking forward to seeing how the girls are doing.