New Grower 1st time super novice need help with set up

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Hey sistah! Not sure if I follow you. There is already a long vent cut into your wood? If so yeah that will work just the light leak as I said. If you use one of the four inch holes with duct tubing then that will block your light AND pull air in. Hope we're on the right page.
I also wouldn't worry about those other additives you have. FFLW is good for starting as it has no nutes and won't burn your baby. Then you can transplant to a pot with a mix of LW and OF. 50/50 would be ok or you could go 50LW/25OF/25perlite. You need some perlite in there. I don't use FF so I don't know if it has any but it's good stuff. You're always gonna add nutes later so the ratio of OF can be lower. You never wanna give them too much. Rock on.
thanxs for the replies:
Indica, I was thinking bout starting with t5 n blue cfls but I was also trying to keep it as simple for myself as possible. I'm not sure if space is going to b an issue but I will see. Thxs for the heads up on fflw what do you think about mixing light warrior with ocean forest 50/50 when the lil girls go into the 3 gallon? I will not use any of the additives except maybe the worm castings later like a tea.
Bikini, (I love the name by the way) I don't know if its me but I can't see ur pics : ( I might try a grow log but I am not good at the internet, uploading pics n such. This is the first time in my 47yrs I have ever steped out of my box an joined a web site let alone actually write on it lol. I have to say though of all the stuff I've read this has been the most helpful website of all.
Hey there brothah squid.... no I didnt cut the wood yet I wanted to know which u thought was better. I will get some perlite to add, ff has some perlite in it but I'll get some more just incase. Prob a stupid question but what is OF?
I will def b rockin it soom cant wait for my beans they are hurling tword me as we type lol.
I would say cut another 4 inch hole near the bottom and get like a 4-5ft duct to run into it. And you can just lay the other end on top of the box or beside it. Wherever really since your exhaust is going into the ceiling. Air will pull in through there because of your fan pulling out out at the top. See what I mean?
OF is Ocean Forest, it has nutes and is sometimes too hot for young babies where as LW does not. I would still probably add more perlite to the mix. Cannabis likes airy mediums.
Thats what I'll do brothah squid I really appriciate your input. I am going to complete my task in the morning. I will just have to get one more length of hose (it seems there is always jus 1 more thing from the store lol).
I will get some perlite while I'm there as well. Thank you so much squid I am sure there will b more questions later I will b looking for ya. : )
No problem that's what we're here for, I'm glad I could help and that you took my input. I'm sure that it will work out just fine. And get used to the ol' 'one more' thing bit. haha. At least for a little while. I've thought I was completely set about three times now. I would also get something to cover the end of your intake duct so nothing big gets pulled in, you'd be surprised. haha But I'm sure you can use your imagination on that one. Panty hose, cheese cloth, etc. I'll be here. :toke:
well I germed my beans 1 HBD and 2 Mi5s they are in fflw 16oz clear dixie cup its day 6 and all have broke the surface. I have a couple of questions about the lights. Right now I have a t5 with 2 24w "blue" lamps. I also have 2 150w hps lights that are not being used at this moment. How far should the lights b from the wee babies? The HBD is about a 1/2 inch tall and 1 mi5 is about an inch the other one (the one that concerns me ? stretching) is about 2 inches. I also have 4 cfls I can use but I am not sure if I need them now or not. I also turned the exhaust fan on cuz I am nervous about the temp. it is at 80 degrees n the fflw dries out very fast. Is it too early for a fan? When should they go to their 3 gallon home?
Hey gal. I was wondering how you been doing. Glad you're back.
>From what I have seen most, and since T5s are pretty cool, start off about 12-13 inches away and slowly work your way down as they get older and can handle it being closer. If those cfls are blue spectrum and you can add them that would be a nice add on. HPS will be better to throw in when they're flowering since you have T5s and cfl now. Plus HPS create a fair amount of heat.
>Your exhaust should be on 24 hours a day. 80 degrees isn't horrible. Try not to let it get above that. Especially toward the mid 80's you can stunt your growth. Although I was just talking to someone yesterday that said they had plants outside in the 90s and sometimes above and they thrives. Optimum temp range is 74-79. A little warmth is just fine. You should have a fan circulating air too not sure if we already spoke of that. And I'm not too surprised they're drying out kinda quick. Smaller cups, they're clear and that let's more light and heat in. And if it's just fflw and no perlite then that will hold less water as well.
>Most growers transplant anywhere from day 7(of actually sprouting above soil) to 21 days. Some say don't wait till they sex and some do it to not waste a bigger pot if it turns out to be male. Not a problem if you have feminised seeds though. Also, I HIGHLY recommend the tier method of transplanting. Classic transplant is super scary and I'll never do it again. Check this link out. It's pure platinum. Love this shit. Follow this guys advice. Good day ma'am.
Thxs Squid and good day to u fine sir, so no worries about that one lanky looking mi5? The fflw does have perlite in it seems to have quite a bit but it's a bitch to keep damp. I will wait till after 7 days to put them in thier new homes, they are feminised seeds so we will see. I will try to figure out how to do pics as I only have iphone to take them with. I used the clear cups not thinking about the point u made about the heat and light. I guess I just wanted to see things happening lol. This has been so much fun thus far I am really excited about doing this. I will put the other fan in the box as well (do I leave it going 24/7 as well?) n one other thing do u know any way of quieting the vent fan. I was thinkin bout running it to the attic and putting that loud ass thing up there, is that dangerous or that would b ok? I don't want to b singing that song "the roof.. the roof.. the roof is on fire".
I love this site cuz u r always learning, I never relized there was so many ways to grow a weed :o.
Thks again squid ur the best
Good day AFN peeps,
well today I got the wee ones into thier perm home they have been above the soil for 5 full days. I mixed ffof with fflw and a pinch of worm castings. I mixed n mixed a lil more until it felt right (like I know haha) I just know if I were a plant thats where I would wanna b. I read about the tier method so I did that..... it was a lil nerve racking cutting the cup I did not want to hurt them they seem so fragile at this point. Now all 3 have thier own cfl and all are basking under the t5 "blue" spectrum (thats what the box says). I have the cfls clipped on each pot and the t5 is approx 2ft away from top of pots. Is that too close? Too far?
I also had a question about watering, at this point they have only been being sprayed with ph tested water. I started them in fflw which is very hard to keep moist so I have been spraying them about 3 to 4 times a day when the soil appeared dry n cracking. When should I actually start to "really" water them. I've read so much about over watering that I don't want to make the mistake. It will take a min I guess to get used to the weight of the new pots when wet n dry as Muddy has suggested in other threads.
Oh n one more question... last one really... at least for now lol. I had asked earlier if anyone had any sugg for the fan noise. I asked about putting it in the attic, will this pose a hazard? Safety is my first priority. Well thanks for your time n thanks for visiting. I hope to post pics at some point I need to wait for my techy assistant cuz I am technologiclly challenged (see I can't even spell it). Thanks again