Finally got here. Cheapest things on the menu and I forgot to tell you.
A. Human urine is a source of nitrogen. Actually it should set a day it two so you get rid of a little amonium.
B. Chicken poop is very high nitrogen. As a cleaner process you can put it in an old pillow case or wrap it in a sheet and then let it soak in a bucket of water. Mix what's there at a rate of about a quart per gallon. That ought to be close.
C. Rabbit shit is hot when fresh. Let it air out then do the same as the chicken poop and you have although not the best but you have a bloom stage fertilizer. Find the chickens and rabbits and your nute costs just went way down.
Just for others that read this. Contact the circus and zoos in your area. They give away most of the time elephant dung for free. Supposed to be THE best for fertilizing. Deal is it actually needs to be covered in black plastic and left to sit for 6 months. If you don't ypu could find errant peanut plants growing with your plants.