Photography 1st time grower need help!

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are you going for the 125 or 200 or 250 bulb it will reflect the strain choice
on the 125w you will want 1-2 shorter plant under say 16" or so like lr2/ its a tried and trusted strain diesel ryder if you can handle the smell HBD purple jems 1x1ft room
on the 200w anything under 30" so 1 big taller chronic ryder onyx-AA or 2-4 small plants lr2 HBD ect in a 1.5ftx1.5ft
but let some one who has grown more of these chime in

if cash is an issue pick an mix 1-2 fems
I don't understand what you mean the one would work out cheaper ??
your linked to perlite not compost i gave you a link to the compost

1 litre is only a couple of pound more than the 500ml
USE AGITO'S beginner's grow guide its the 2nd green link at the bottom of his reply' me out loads:D
If I got 4 x 30 watt cfl will it be okay to use them to grow 2 plants of will I need more ?
first those cf are they the right spectrum? if using a 30w intial source the plants would have to be grown very short as they have no penertration an example (have not checked exact figures) f
125wcfl starts at 10000 lumens 6" away 5000 lumens 12" away 2500(the reason hps as good lower growth compared to cfl's)
30w cfl 2500 (4x 30w just gives you a better spread not more intial lumens) lumens 6" away 1250 lumens thus the reasons (very little light say if you had a 12" plant thats 625 lumens on the lower branch virtually nothing) you may get away with 1-2 short plants (short stuff #1) or if you used side lighting or employ lst training maybes a more potent hbd or lr2