Indoor 1st Stealth Cab Grow: Flash Santa

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheCannabist
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more the plants got water and nutrients well balabced, the more they wioll grow perfectly
imagine you bro that in coc o or hidro plants do have water all the time...the most importante is to never let the water stay to the roots , so this is why the holes...but u can even water ur plants every days and get the soil wet, dark!!!

So it really just comes down to having good drainage and a good root system then? Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand now, the roots can stay wet as long as they are wet with fresh water. Is this less true with a small plant/seedling in a big pot, because I heard that the roots stretch out in search of water when it's dry, which makes the root system bigger? Or is this just a myth?

Thanks for the help *stitch* and I know it's np to you, but for growers like me it's really hard to get such sound advice. Everything I read online before just said to let the pots dry out before watering again to avoid over watering, but what you say makes perfect sense. I watered the girls first thing this morning and they look happier now. :D


pure legend my friend, don't need to stess the plant at all, like u, u'll not grow better if u' re not drink water...;)
Now that I am enlightened to the importance of good drainage, I had a bit of a think about the santa, which has been in a smart pot sitting on a large plate. The entire bottom of the pot was in contact with the plate and there're no hydrotons or anything in there, so I figured the drainage must've been pretty poor.

My solution was to cut out a wire grill from one of the pieces of my greenhouse that is really unimportant. Now there's now loads of air circulation at the bottom of the pot and water can run out with no resistance. Not bad for 5 mins work I think, but the proof is in the pudding.




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Update: bugs and buds

Mornin' All,

Since the last update the girls have developed their flowers somewhat, but not as much as I'd like in the case of the Mohan Ram, but I think things will accelerate with her in due course. The Santa has now stepped up bud production nicely.

To add to the list of other ailments these girls have suffered, there are now bugs munching on them too. I suspected this for a while and should have done something sooner, oh well. The MR has fruit flies, or fungus gnats if you're not English, which means the Santa probably does too. The Santa has something munching on its leaves and so does the MR, but not as bad. Don't know wtf it is, can't find the bastard but I did find two very small red eggs attached to the stem. I removed them with a stanley knife.

I went to the grow shop and they recommended canna cure, which I tried and it didn't do shit. Used it copiously for a few days and if anything things got worse. I went back and bought some neem oil and again sprayed copiously and soil drenched with it and it seems the muncher has lost his appetite, but the fruit flies don't seem to care much. I will buy a load of fly strips tomorrow and get them that way. I also put a mug of white wine vinegar and a little detergent in the cab too, this works in the same way as fly strips. Got a couple of them but not much.

Asides from that they seem alright and the Santa has finally started to perk up since I started watering almost every day. She still looks like the soil is too hot for her and I wonder when this will subside. Pissing me off a bit. Maybe it's some other problem... any suggestions? The MR looks great with no signs of deficiency now, I might need to back off the nutes slightly cos it's now getting full dose and I see a few small rusty spots. But yeah, all she needed was more frequent watering.

Any comments/suggestions/advice are more than welcome.




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Fun grow, I'm in. Nce cab.

Pretty sure you can buy traps for those gnats, we use em around our kitchen sink.
Thanks man! Yeah I'm gona go into town tomorrow and see what I can find to battle the gnats. Hopefully I'll find some of those traps you mentioned. I tried making my own fly strips by dissolving sugar and honey in water and coating postit notes in it, but I saw the gnats just walking around on it enjoying a sugary snack... so that failed. I don't know why because it was extremely sticky...

Cheers for stopping by mate.


Yeah I'd love some of those dunks! But I don't think I'll find them anywhere nearby :crying: but the neem seems to have helped a lot and I now have some sticky traps made especially for fruit flies, which will hopefully win the war for me... but I'm not very optimistic lol.

On another note, I think the fact that I carried on feeding with rhizotonic until today may have been what's slowing the bud production of the Mohan Ram so I fed today with just 0.5ml/l and the same as usual with the other nutes, ie alga bloom and green sensation. Buds look bigger already, but that's a very biased observation lol. I decided the Santa might actually be deficient so I fed with 1/4 strength alga bloom today. I have no idea if she looks better or worse, but I'm sure time will tell. Can someone with more experienced eyes than mine tell me if she is deficient or over fed please, because I can't work it out? She's the smaller spazzy one on the right.

Aight that's all from me.


Update: Full Auto

Hi Everyone,

Both of the girls are developing rapidly into WOMEN! The Mohan Ram is really stacking on the buds now and trichs to go with them. Looking pretty frosty actually and I just can't wait to taste the smoke. Got a dark almost blue/grey hue to her and always looks happy as Larry. Great vigour. The smell as I said before is very nice too and reasonably pungent but not overpowering at all. Now that the humidity is back down to a reasonable level there is no smell outside the cab.

The Santa looks worlds better and I only wish I had done right by her from the start cos she's a great little plant. Bounced right back after being given some nutes. She's building up some classic sativa looking buds. Very hairy and fluffy looking and putting out some visible trichs now too. Not much in the way of smell, which is fine by me.

No idea how much longer either of them have to go but I would have thought the MR would finish up within a few weeks and then comes the smoke report :D

That's all folks




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