Update: Santa Showing Sex
Alrighty Then,
The girls are looking good, but far from perfect. The Mohan Ram is still showing a lot of pale leaves even though I've upped the feeding, but I will keep increasing it until things improve. No signs of over feeding so can't hurt. I think it might actually be due to the light though, because it's far more pale on the side that was facing away from the daylight cfl in there and I know that the HPS bulb I have is a bit shit, with very little blue spectrum if any. I did try and get a better one but the shop had run out. Anyway, I've switched the girls round so now the MR is on the cfl side, just to see what happens.
The Santa is still a bit weird looking and has some pale leaves, but I think she's still struggling with the hot soil to be honest and both of them are growing at a respectable rate. Do correct me if I'm wrong. It's been 17 days I believe and the Santa has actually been showing sex for a good 4 days now I think, but it's certainly a lot more obvious now.
The MR smells like sweet coffee skunkiness and it is looovely :smoke:. Her flowers are developing visibly day by day and I wish the photos showed the method to my lst madness a bit more clearly haha.
That's pretty much all folks.