Outdoor 1st Outdoor Auto Grow - 00 seeds

And has extreme heat ever bothered your yield on autos outdoors? @912GreenSkell
The chocolate skunk is in 100%sun all day, and gets nutes weekly. the bubble gum got overgrown by milk weed and was shaded a ton, and has had no nutes and you can see it in the plant lol but I didn't even expect it to live. Next year I'll wait til the milk weed is up then clear my spot :/. They are in two very different locations.

Ahh different location and different treatment...makes sense why the bubblegum is so much smaller and sparser. I am very much looking forward to hearing about the toke especially the smell and flavour....i really dig unique smells like chocolate(only had once so far). If you remember can you tag me when you do the report?
And has extreme heat ever bothered your yield on autos outdoors? @912GreenSkell

No....i have never seen heat be too much of an issue....my best season when i grew autos outside, it was hotter than the pits of the abyss(sun, sun and more sun) Not crazy hot compared to many places, but we dealt with lots of 90-100 degree weather that year during flower. Our midsummer(july and august) are often very warm months.
Yes absolutely, and im interested to see if it takes on any of the parent chocolate traits, right now it smells strongly of skunk...excited for the cure when its done. And yea the bubble gum is 2 hours from me and I wanted to see if you could use the plant and forget method lol.
No....i have never seen heat be too much of an issue....my best season when i grew autos outside, it was hotter than the pits of the abyss(sun, sun and more sun) Not crazy hot compared to many places, but we dealt with lots of 90-100 degree weather that year during flower. Our midsummer(july and august) are often very warm months.

Okay that's good to hear lol I never have done autos outdoors and my photos are never in prime time flower when it's this hot...they should continue to fill out then, the nugs are pretty big and def haven't swollen yet!
And yea the bubble gum is 2 hours from me and I wanted to see if you could use the plant and forget method lol.

It can be done......but it takes some experimenting with different mixes for sure!! One of the guides i have been meaning to get to....the guerilla grower handbook
It can be done......but it takes some experimenting with different mixes for sure!! One of the guides i have been meaning to get to....the guerilla grower handbook

I would love to see that happen! For all the non legal growers out there...I've been ripped and also stumbled upon grows both many of times. Always gotta be on top of things!
I would love to see that happen! For all the non legal growers out there...I've been ripped and also stumbled upon grows both many of times. Always gotta be on top of things!

Due to the extensive nature of the guide it would have to be a big one, and in turn it will take me quite some time to piece if all together. Going to have to be a winter project for sure! PLus i would only be able to write it from a north east, north america point of view, but i am certain it would contain at least some information usable across the world.
It can be done......but it takes some experimenting with different mixes for sure!! One of the guides i have been meaning to get to....the guerilla grower handbook

Please do!!!

Have you seen videos from BrownDirtWarrior? That man really gives some tips on hardcore guerrilla, too bad I found him a bit late
@912GreenSkell yea for sure would take some time! And definitely could give everyone the basics, they should be able to fine tune to their specific area with the rest. Location is by far the most important...if you can cover that your other guide pretty much explain the rest!! If you go to do it in the winter tag me in, I'd love to throw ideas around. I've got 10 years doing guerilla and certainly don't know everything but learn everything from talking with others!
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