Outdoor 1st Outdoor Auto Grow - 00 seeds

More day 55 pics, I think the buds will really swell... They aren't looking bad as of now. Just a few more weeks and we will see!! Wish it was legal here so I could actually care for my babies...
One thing to keep an eye out for in the future is "wire bite". Always try to not let the training wires constrict around the stalk to the point where the plants grows around the wire. When they bite into the trunk they can certainly restrict nutrient flow.

Solid frost!!
@912GreenSkell I see what you are sayin, makes sense! BTW your plants are looking amazing bud!! Can't wait to see them flowering
Here's a 00 Bubblegum, same age as chocolate skunk. I planted this as a seedling in the swamp 2 hrs from me. No nutrients or protection at all, will probably only get 7-14 grams but it will help hold me over til the photos are done! It stretched really bad when it got over taken by tall milkweed like plants, but hey when you can't take care of them that's what happens! Still better than nothing!
Chocolate Skunk Day 60ish, was over 90 degrees the past two days a little worried about it making the buds airy. Any tips appreciated. Starting to frost up. Thinking 2 more weeks...what do you guys
Your girls look really nice, much more delevopted than mine at the same age but I think mine will go for another month instead of 2 weeks.

Nice guerrilla bro!
@LusoFarmer thanks man! And the chocolate skunk is in direct sun all day long I think that's why it will finish a little sooner, it's moving pretty quick. Still hasn't swelled up yet tho so might even be more than 2 weeks we will see! I'll stop by and check out your thread if you're doing one
I am guessing these plants see a fair bit of shade? If so, that coupled with a lack of nutrients, flower density will certainly suffer to some degree. That chocolate skunk looks A-1, who breeds that one?
The chocolate skunk is in 100%sun all day, and gets nutes weekly. the bubble gum got overgrown by milk weed and was shaded a ton, and has had no nutes and you can see it in the plant lol but I didn't even expect it to live. Next year I'll wait til the milk weed is up then clear my spot :/. They are in two very different locations. The chocolate skunk is bred by 00 seeds, I believe they are out of spain. First time with them but like giving new breeders a chance. I'm impressed with them, if I could have them in my open field or indoors they would really put out...I'll for sure do full smoke report on it when harvested. @912GreenSkell